|Chapter 11|

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Salem; August 19th; 8:00pm(20:00) EDT

We were in the bioship heading to check on Kent Nelson, and of course Artemis and Wally got into...again.

"So, Wally," She starts in a teasing tone turning to face him. " When did you realize your 'honest' affinity for the mystic arts?"

"Well I-I don't like to brag but," He looks over to see if Megan was listening, and believe me she was, we all were. " Uh before I became Kid Flash, I always wanted to become a wizard myself."

"We've reached Tornado's coordinates, but," Megan drags out her sentence not finishing just yet as we look at what she sees. Nothing. The Bioship lands as we file out and can see the empty field more closely.

"It's completely empty." Superboy finally finished.

We all walk to the middle of the field and Wally takes a few laps around before skidding to a stop next to us.

"Nothing! This isn't simple camouflaging."

"What do you think, highly adaptive micro-optoelectronics combined phase shifting?" Artemis teases him with but he just agrees with her. And I'm happy he did, because I only understood half of what she said.

Like come on why do people have to make complicated names to describe everything. Just call water, water, air, air, and so on. Next thing you know there gonna give every human name a scientific one.

Megan walks over with a slight frown on her face and Wally switches his thoughts.

"Absolutely, not. Clearly mystic powers are at work here." We all catch up on what's happening, and It's just Wally trying to impress Megan again.

'This is gonna come and bite us in the ass later isn't it?' I give a big sigh and lower my shoulders officially giving up on this guy. Kaldur gives me a look and I give on back saying 'don't worry about it.'


We've been out here for at least a few minutes before Kaldur looks more at the key that Red gave him early on.

"A test of faith." He looks up near Artemis and Superboy and tells them to come and stand behind him. Everyone soon follows suit and stands behind him. He takes a few steps forward holding out the key and making it look like he inserted it in a keyhole. To our surprise it disappears and there is a soft click as it opens, the camouflage wears off and reveals a tall stone tower.

Kaldur pushes the big wooden doors open and we all file in after, when we were all in the doors slammed shut causing some of us to jump... Okay just me to jump, but still!

"Uh, where'd the door go?" Superboy asks like we know. We look around until a hologram of the man himself that we were looking for pops up bringing our focus to him.

"Greetings. You have entered with a key, but the tower does not recognize you. State your purpose and intent." Wally steps forward a bit in front of me but I swear I can 'feel' the smile radiating from him.

"We are true believers, here to find The Doctor Fate." I give the back of Wally's head the rudest look I could muster without physically killing him, because I swear to whoever the fuck is up there that he should have left this one at the hospital... No that's mean I shouldn't think that... It's Wally... Never mind then.

Kent doesn't say anything for a while before having a sad frown plaster his face and he disappears. We look around as the room starts to rumble and shake. The floor opens and we all drop into the pit over molten lava.

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