▹Bonus + Special Thanks ◃

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5 Years Later

"Tim! I know it was you!" I hear Dick shout from down the hall from my spot in the living room where I was reading.

"You don't know that! It could have been anyone!" The accused shouted back.

For a bit of context as to what made the house loud today, me and Dick were visiting home during the winter holidays for a few weeks.

We both had time off from our jobs, me working in a coffee shop and being a daycare helper, and Dick getting through his first year at the Bludhaven police department as a rookie.

Bruce thought it was a good idea to get everyone under the same roof since we haven't been in the same room together since, Jason. I wasn't on bad terms with anyone per say, but I just didn't really know how to cope with it when it did happen.

Me and Jason were close when he was alive and then Tim came in so fast afterwards he thought that I hated him, when in reality I was still trying to pull myself together. Now, me and Tim are practically glued together when we have our 'family days'.

Dick's relationship with Bruce however just got worse over the years. At first they were really good at talking out their issues, too good, to where misunderstandings would happen daily when they talked to each other, and it didn't help that Alfred would be out more the past couple of years due to him wanting to be out the crowded house more.

Speaking of relationships... me and Connor... The last handful of years were, to say the least, weird. He and Megan had a falling out and without Kaldur around anymore for him to talk to, he reached out to me and we spent weeks talking.

He told me what happened between them and everything he was feeling, but the problem was that I couldn't tell him how to feel. He understood this but would still vent to feel better. Things just feel awkward? But not a bad awkward, when he would finish ranting and we would just have a normal conversation, it would fall off into silence with us just kind of staring.

Anyways! It's a work in progress, just hard without Kaldur around.

"Hey!" I look up from my daze to see Tim peeking half his body into the living room grabbing my attention. "You coming? We're setting the table now."

I closed and dropped my book on the table in front of me.

"Sure! I'll be right there."

[Just a little bonus for setting up how book 2 will start with relationships and family stuff, but not all relationships...]

[Book 2 should be up Fall/Winter time, but in the mean time I shall be working on my Avengers book Two of The Same Mix]

▹Special Thanks◃↴

[This is for the amazing people that read, voted, and commented on this story. I love and appreciate you all taking the time to read and enjoy this hobby of mine!]

[Comments that made me smile]


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