|Chapter 1|

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Washington D.C.; July 4th; 14:00 EDT

"You're not trained." Flash says 'calmly', but they could hear him trying not to raise his voice at them at the same time.

"WHAT! Since when were we not trained to help fight bad guys." Kid Flash shouts while being justifiably upset.

"Exactly, or did you guys somehow forget this morning when 'we' helped?" Robin chimes in, jestering to the rest of the kids in the room.

"No... I just meant that you aren't trained to work a part of 'this' team. The League." Flashes easily clarify for them

"There will be other missions for you all to go on as a team when you are ready." Aquaman states, his voice making everything in the room more calm.

"But for now you stay put." Batman glares at them. All three boys look down with disappointed and sad looks on their faces.

All the Leaguers leave the room through the zeta tube leaving the kids to their devices.

Kid flash flops down on the chair and scoffs."pfft, 'when we're ready?' He questions out loud looking at his two friends. "How are we ever supposed to show them that we're ready when they keep treating us like.... like sidekicks!" He animated with his arms wildly being thrown around, and growly out the word 'sidekick'.

"My king and my mentor, I thought that he had trusted me." Aqualad says with a hint of sadness.

"Trust?" KF questions."They don't even trust us with the basic stuff they taught us how to do!" He points out. "For crying out loud... They have a HQ IN SPACE!" They all stop to think for a moment.

"What else could they not be telling us?" Aqualad asks.

Robin lets out a sigh sitting in the opposite chair across from KF. "I've got a better question. Why didn't we just leave with Speedy?" KF crosses his arms and looks down at the floor while the other two fall into silence.

"What exactly is 'Project Cadmus?'" Aqualad asks slowly.

"Don't know." Robin says with a smirky grin on his face."But, I can find out." Pushing himself up from his chair and walking over to the giant computer in the room that had displayed Superman, not that long ago, on it.

He starts typing away putting in various codes and whatnot only for the computer to buzz and display in bright red letters,"ACCESS DENIED", with a generated voice announcing it.

Robin laughs to himself or at the computer." Wanna bet?" He hits a few more keys with codes and files flying across the screen.

"Whoa." KF, who got up and is now standing next to Robin, says under his breath in amazement. "How are you doing that?"

Robin just smiles while still staring at the screen hitting a few more keys. "Believe it or not, it's the same as the Batcave." Hitting one more key.

The screen shows a green glow as the words 'ACCESS GRANTED' appears and a two story blueprint pops up showing its information on it.

"Hmm, it shows that it is a genetics lab here in DC." Robin's brow furrows."Huh? If that's all there is to it then why is Batman suspicious?" He glances back at Aqualad,"maybe we should look into it," turning over to KF." We can solve their case for them.

Aqualad smiles. " It would be poetic justice."

"They are all about Justice, and we sure didn't come here for a play-date either." Robin smirks.

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