|Chapter 10|

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" Files... what did they say?" I ask. Why would there be files on me?

"They were, disturbing, to say the least. The files there were on a experiment of the mind, although a large chunk is hidden behind a password that Batman is working on at this very moment." He goes on to explain. I just give him a nod and carry on with my breakfast.

"Are you not concerned with what we found, or did you already know?" He questions.

"Neither? I guess, I expected it, it would explain why I can't remember anything if they did mess with my mind. All I can do is wait for Batman to find anything, until then I'm just gonna do what I've been doing. Thanks for telling me Red."

Hours later the others are up, including the ones that have somewhere to go, they were probably too lazy and tired to go back to their home and slept in their rooms here.

"So what is it exactly that you do? You didn't join us with the Dr. Roquette mission." Artemis asked me as we all settled down in the living room to watch tv and play a board game.

"Right, we never introduced you two properly." Megan eagerly chimes in, standing up from her spot on the floor where her, Robin, and Aqualad started a game of cards. " Artemis, this is Z, the others met him awhile back where they found Superboy. The League doesn't want him on any missions yet until they find more about him."

"Yeah, so he hangs around the cave, although he won't let us help him whenever we make a mess around here." Wally starts to complain but I give a look to tell him to shut up.

"I have nothing else to do, if anything, cleaning is the last thing I would expect you to complain about not doing Wally." Everyone started laughing and after a minute Wally joined in too.

"Anyways," Artemis starts after she's done laughing. " I'm Artemis, Green Arrow's niece, you could probably tell but I'm an archer." I give her a smile and we dramatically shake hands.

"Nice to formally meet you Artemis." We settle back down and continue with our morning.


Star City; 3:00pm EDT

The team and I were walking around in Star City, going shopping, buying and trying snacks that me, Megan, and Superboy never tried, and all in all having a fun day out and away from the cave.

"MAN!" Wally stretches with a bag in his hand. "I swear we need way more time away from that damp cave. I don't know how you three don't go crazy there." Megan smiles at him and stops eating her tart, she got a cherry one and I couldn't help but get lemon. Superboy didn't wanna try one with us, hopefully he starts trying to have more fun with the rest of us, I can't rush him though he is opening up to us though, albeit slowly.

"We got used to it pretty quick, After all Wally the cave is pretty much our first home here." Megan shifts around her shopping bags, which are mainly filled with different accessories and snacks, Kaldur sees her struggles and wordlessly takes a bag from her as she gives a small thanks.

Before we headed back to the cave we did more shopping and I finally got another squish toy for myself. I don't think my poor hands could've lasted another week without something to keep me busy.

We also got a few things for Red Tornado, as a thanks for always watching out for us as our den mother. He can't eat because he's... well, you know. But! We did get him a lot of things to decorate with if he liked too.

We made it back to the cave in time to see Red Tornado, Robin gave him a quick hello before running off to the tubes to leave. He got a call from Batman earlier so they could go do their dynamic duo stuff in Gotham.

"Where are you heading Red? Is it a mission! Can we help!" Wally exclaims, practically bouncing off the walls for something to do.

"If, we can help?" Kaldur corrects, more calmly.

"Missions are the Batman's responsibility. However, I was planning to check in with a friend of mine." He goes to explain, we all walk with him into the main area as he continues. " His name is Kent Nelson."

He pulls up the holopad and displays a picture of the man.

" He is 106 years old," Wally nudges Artemis as Megan steps closer. "That man doesn't look a day over ninety." He interjects as Red moves on.

"He has been missing for twenty-three days. Kent was a member of the Justice Society," He presses more buttons and another picture pops up, presumably Kent in his hero uniform. Kaldur recognizes this one and lets out an audible gasp.

"Of course! Nelson was Earth's Sorcerers Supreme. He was Doctor Fate."

'Doctor Fate? He sounds like someone important, and for him to be missing this long isn't a good thing.' Wally goes off on a mini tangent to Artemis calling the man a fake. 'Like come on Wally, you're as fast as the speed of sound, Megan has mind powers and can turn invisible, Superboy is super strong and can jump up an entire building, and Kaldur can control water and has gills! What proof does he need to believe in Doctor Fate?'

"It might be possible that Kent is on one of his...Walks. But seeing as he is the sole protector of the Helmet of Fate, what gives him his mystic might, it is unwise to leave such a thing unguarded."

"He sounds just like the great sorcerer priests and priestesses of Mars! I would be honoured to help find him." Megan cheerfully speaks up. I never really heard her speak of Mars, so it was nice to hear something about it.

Wally's hand shot up. " Me too!" Everyone's head snapped towards Wally's direction. Nobody believes that lie for a second dude. " I'm so honoured, I can barely stand it!" He fake exclaims and when he realizes that we are all staring at him he gets sheepish. " Magic rocks." he throws up a rock sign and Artemis groans, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

"Take this, it is the key to the Tower of Fate." Tornado says, holding out an old rustic brass key that Kaldur takes into his own hand.

"Oh! Maybe this time Z can join us? I mean after all we're just checking on Mr.Nelson. This can be a mini mission for him!." Megan exclaims coming over to me and grabbing my arm while bouncing in excitement.

"I do not see why not, but please have caution." He directed that last part to me and I give him a nod.

"Aw yeah! We get to show you how we do things now on missions!" Wally says already ready to head out.

"We don't need our uniforms calm down. We're just checking on Kent Nelson." Artemis smacks him on the back of the head and drags him back over to us.

"I don't see a point in waiting anymore, let's go." Kaldur calls out walking away to the bioship as we call out and run after him.


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