|Chapter 9|

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Zane's POV

August 8th; Early Morning

I've been staying with the 'dynamic duo' for a little under a week when the Cave was finally fixed and the system was up and running again.

Throughout my stay with them... How do I describe it? It was normal? I don't really know what I was expecting. They just seemed like a normal father and son with Alfred being the one to really bring everything together like a grandad.

The week that I was there didn't go to waste. I was helping Batman with trying to find out why I was at Cadmus or at least my family. It wasn't easy since I could have been from anywhere and Cadmus just dragged me there. But Batman was sure it had to be close by, and that they wouldn't leave the state.

We had only managed to find a little information, which was good, since there are not a lot of people with the name Zane here. There were only three cases that we could find with the name, one was solved and they were in their 30's, while the other two were near my age, 13 to 14. A Zane in Star city was out with their family and when they looked away he disappeared, this happened a few years ago and he was never found. The last one is weird. The other family of this Zane, from Happy Harbor, were the ones to report him missing, not his immediate family, like you know, the parents.

This piqued Batman's interest the most, he said 'It wasn't uncommon for parents to sell their kids for money, or be so distant that they wouldn't even care if they went missing.'

But I didn't know If I wanted to believe that. Then again, if it's true, and my parents would do that. Would I even want to know anymore? Guess I wouldn't have a choice.

Bats told me about Martian Manhunter's powers, and how he could look through my memories whether I remember them or not. He just isn't sure if my mind is strong enough and that it's up to me to ask him or not.

I'm scared to ask, I want to know but I might regret it.

For now I'll just leave it.


Everyone, being me, Megan, and Superboy, started to move back in. It didn't take long since we needed the bare minimum. Megan was talking about all the things that her and Uncle went to do and try for her to experience more of Earth, and Superboy talked a bit about staying with Canary.

I'm just happy he came around and learned to respect her a bit more, as a hero and a teacher.

The rest of our day was great! The whole team went down to the beach and we swam, built in the sand, and made food on a bar-b-que. Well all except Wally. He had school today so he couldn't join us for today. It would definitely be more fun the next time, when we're all together.

"Poor Wally." Megan says in a sad voice.

Robin lets out a laugh. " Yeah I feel bad, luckily we had fun for him as well."

Red Tornado came out to come get us and let us know that Batman had a mission for them, So we cleaned up our mess and headed back inside to wash up and get dressed.

Once we all finished I headed to the living room while they were getting told their mission.

"Hang on Z." I look to see Canary waving me over. I follow her to the main area with the rest of the team to see a girl our age with yellow blonde hair and a green outfit with a bow.


Kid Flash|B-0-3|

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