|Chapter 12|

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I guess you could say that we were stuck? Maybe?

The only real thing that we could do was to keep moving forward and hopefully find a way to meet back up with Wally and Artemis.

"How are we meant to get out of this place?" Superboy asks, looking around in the frozen wasteland. With nothing but snowy air and tundra mountains far off in the distance. It didn't look like anyway was a good place to start.

"The only thing we can do is keep walking. Surely we will find something." Kaldur states walking past us to lead us in the direction we were facing when we entered this place.

"You know, I'm fine with being here. That means that I don't get to listen to Wally and Artemis fighting anymore. I swear, those two were meant to argue." I say rubbing my arms. I didn't expect to get stuck in a snowy mountain. Heck it wasn't even suppose to be cold tonight, so the only thing I wore today was a white t-shirt, some jeans, and sneakers.

We walked in silence for a while until Megan spoke up.

"I'm sorry, I should've noticed it with Wally sooner. It's just... I don't understand him. It's almost like he needs to believe the impossible can't happen."

"No Megan! I didn't mean anything by what I said. I was just shocked, that's all, you don't have to apologize for that." I try to explain to her. Now I felt really bad for my comment earlier.

Kaldur stops for a second to put his hand on her shoulder. " Wally uses his understanding of science to control what he can not comprehend. Acknowledging magic, that would relinquish that control."

I don't know if what Kaldur said helped Megan feel better, but she does let out a sigh and let her shoulders relax a bit. The ground started to rumble and as we looked up a door now sat on top of the hill we were near, we wasted no time making our way over and through the door.

"Ahh!" We all fell through and ended up, on the ground again? Well I guess, since when I looked up Megan was just floating down.


"Are you guys alright?" Looking up I see Artemis standing over us trying to see if anyone needed help. Taking a look myself everyone seemed fine, maybe a bruise or two, but fine. The sound of a bell going off brought our attention back. There was Kent Nelson and Wally standing near it, and off on the other side of the room were these two...um...entertainers? Magicians? Hell if I know.

Before we knew it Kent and Wally walked into the bell, yep, they WALKED into the bell, followed by a screaming person that didn't look that old and had a cat on his shoulders.

"So who is that?" I ask Art pointing to the guy in a comical magician outfit.

She just shakes her head. " Don't worry about it." They all fully stood up and got ready to deal with Mr. Wizard, as I dubbed him, as I stood farther behind them to not get in their way.

This fight wasn't going as well as they thought. I mean I guess it is hard to fight against literal magic when half of them need to get close and one has a bow.

I don't remember what really happened though. I just knew that me, and I think Kaldur and Superboy were in some sort of electric cage that was not fun! Pain is something that I don't think I ever want to go through again after this.

When I thought I was going to pass out everything finally stopped and I was able to breathe again. When I grounded myself I looked up to see everyone else recovering, and a certain... Mr. Wizard in nothing but his underwear.

'You know what, out of everything that happened, that right there, made me smile. Jokes on him!'


Mount Justice; August 20th; 3:00am EDT

When we got back we were tired, to say the least, I mean I knew I was. This was just suppose to be a simple check-up on Kent and yet it turned into Wally being...Wally, A wizard, almost being roasted alive, almost freezing, falling through a door, and being electrocuted. You tell me how it went.

All I wanted to do was fall into my bed and never get up again, but when we got back to the cave Batman was waiting for us in the main area.

"Hey B! What are you doing here?"

"Please tell me you're not here to lecture us about the 'mission' we went on, Red said it was fine." Wally says with the helm of Doctor Fate under his arm and being slouched over letting out a huff.

"I'm not here to lecture you about it, although we will talk about it later today. I'm here because I have something to discuss with Z." Everyone raised an eyebrow, including me.

Wally spoke first. "Looks like someone is in trouble." He says in a sing-song voice before Superboy smacks him over the head and Art starts to drag him out the room by his ear.

"Sorry about him, goodnight." She says as everyone follows after them to go to bed.


"What did you want to talk about?" I say looking back at him.

"It was regarding what was found in the file that was exposed from the Fog. I'm sure Red Tornado told you earlier that I was looking into it?" I just give him a nod telling him to continue.

" It was a case that was stored as part of Cadmus' system regarding what they were calling 'Project Z'. It dates almost 4 years ago as a young boy they found unconscious in a ditch off the side of a road. There was nothing recorded for the first few months after they stated when they found you, so my only guess is that they didn't do anything yet. However the next few years they spent on studying you, specifically your mind and how to control it. They say that they gave you trigger words that would put you in a dazed almost doll-like state, where you couldn't do anything, not even think without a corresponding trigger word being said."

"They called the project off in favour of working on something else similar*. It just seemed like they kept you around in fear of what they were working on leaked to anyone else. That still leaves a lot of questions but I won't look into it unless you say otherwise."

I take a deep breath and could only think of one thing.

'How am I so unlucky?'


[Thank you all for 1k reads I really do enjoy doing this in my down time and I'm happy that at least someone is reading this...mess, to say the very least.] <3

[* <--This is a reference to later in the show about on of the characters. If you know you know. :D]

[I also will being taking next week off from updating, to give myself a mental brake. I have other things I am doing outside of this story that I would like to spend time on since so much time went into this for months.]

[See you in 2 weeks!!!]

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