|Chapter 14|

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You know, I had no idea what Robin's idea of an adventure was, but this-this is not what I imagined. In fact I don't think anyone expected to see that Mist guy again so soon.

Artemis grabbed my arm and dragged me around to a tree as we both hid behind it. I look around to see if I could spot Robin but I couldn't see anything with the mist surrounding the area.

"How did you guys get away from him the first few times!" Artemis exclaims.

"We didn't do anything! The first time Red Tornado helped me, and I wasn't there for the second one!" We both fell silent as we heard the crunching of leaves on the other side of the tree we were at.

"This does not need to be difficult, Zane. I am simply here to take you back to your family."

"Do you know him?" Art says in a hushed voice, and gives me a look of shock and I just shake my head aggressively.

"I don't know who he is... or at least I don't think I know him." A gust of wind rushed passed us and the tree that we were using as a shield started to crack and fall to the side.

"Why is he so persistent!" I yell as me and Artemis run to find cover somewhere else. We had no clue where Robin was and Artemis had nothing on her since they left the Cave in their civvies. But then again knowing Robin he probably had something on him.

"How are we supposed to get away from him?" Artemis says trying to keep her breathing in check as we run. " We can't contact the League like this!"

Another gust of wind came at us and swept up into the air, throwing us into the other side of the forest. I landed on my side and Artemis landed not that far from me. The sounds of crushing leaves fill my ears again and I see the Mist guy walking over to us.

"Hang on!" Robin jumps from a tree behind Mist and uses something from his belt and stuck to his shoulder, he jumped from him and the item went off causing him to be covered in a fog before it solidified around him.

"C'mon we gotta go!" Robin yells running towards us, I scramble to get up as Robin helps pull up Art and we start running back to town.

We make it back to the town of Gotham and into the alley with the Zeta-Tube. The moment we are fully in the cave we collapse on the floor trying to regain our breaths and make sure we are finally safe.

"Woah what happened to you guys, you look a little... worn out?" The three of us looked to see the rest of the team, Red, and Batman, gathered around the room in front of the holo-screen.

"Well, let's just say... we had a little run in with someone from before." Robin explains giving a little nervous chuckle.

"That can wait, for now we have a mission that is more important."


The others had just left on another mission, somewhere in Bialya?, I think that's what it was called. I went to the Livingroom to do thing I always do...wait.

'I'm so sick of waiting... why is it the only thing I'm good at? From every memory that I have, it's just been me waiting for someone else to do something. Even when the team first helped me, they were just dragging me around like dead weight.'

' I want to do something that could help something, anything, instead of just sitting around for them to come back.' I got up from where I was and went to go find Bats. He still had to be here, the others just left and he usually makes sure they get to a mission alright.

Sure enough there he was still in the middle of the room looking at the holo-screens looking things over. He looked in my direction when I walked farther into the room.

"Is something wrong?" He asks, only to look back at what he was reading.

"I wanna talk to Manhunter." That brought Bat's attention back to me and he turned off the holo-screen to listen. " I want to know about what happened and how I ended up in Cadmus. And, to know if I even want to look for my family."

"All right, follow me then."

"Uh? Wait where are we going?" I ask, running to catch up to Batman as he made his way over to the Zeta-Tubes.

"We are going to the Watch Tower, Martian Manhunter can better help you there."

We made it to the Watch Tower and Bats didn't hesitate in his steps as he walked off into one of the hallways. We came across one of the many rooms and Batman stopped to knock before opening the door.

Inside was Manhunter in the center of the room, he looked like he was meditating. It looked peaceful but I couldn't tell since he opened his eyes and stood up where he was sitting from when we stepped foot in the room.

"Batman, what can I do for you?" His eyes don't stay on Bats for long since he noticed that I was also in the room with them. "Hmm, I see. Have you come here for me to tell you your past?"

I nod. " Yes! If it's not a problem." I say fidgeting with my fingers.

"It is never a problem to want to learn what you have forgotten." He lifts his arm and gestures for me to walk further into the room. I do, and stand in front of him where he was just meditating.

I look back over to Batman as he turns to exit the room but I stop him before the door closes.

"You aren't staying?"

"There isn't a need for me to stay. This is something personal you should have for yourself until you feel like sharing. It's the least we owe you, since you know less about us and it seems like almost everything about you is out there." With that the door closed and it was just me and Manhunter in the room.

"Are you ready to remember Zane?"

"Yeah." I nod.


[Sorry that, that took a while to upload. I really wanted to write his backstory in this part and then realized it would be WAY to long. I also thought about adding a part of it, and then doing a cliffhanger, but let's be honest. NOBODY likes a cliffhanger. C:]

[You're welcome!]

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