On your period

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• Miles:

- He would be confused at first but then realizes that your on your month and will but you some chocolate and ice cream and a heating pad.

• Gwen:

- She would know since she's also a girl, will get you some snacks and drinks that will ease your painful cramps.

• Miguel:

- He will be plain about it but will worry about the pain you have, he will give you some Advil and then hug while being covered in blankets.

• Spider-noir:

- He would buy some ice cream and then make you take lots and lots of naps so you don't have to be tired, heating pads.

• Hobie:

- He will buy any snacks for you, if you cramps are bad or just hurt he will give you a massage and hit water.

• Pavitr:

- Will act like you're injured and worry a lot, will buy you tons of snacks and drinks so you will ease your mood and pain, CUDDLES.

• Peter B:

- Will let you use his pink robe to keep yourself warm, will sleep with you if you want, and will buy you chocolates.

• Web-Slinger:

- Will buy whatever sweet foods that is on sale and bring it to you, will cuddle with you for a while and then bringing you some food.

• Margo:

- She will absolutely bring a bunch of junk food just for you, will let you play games with her as much as you want, will buy chocolate.

• Ben:

- He will be confused, but then ask Jess for help and will bring whatever Jess told him to buy to you with gentleness and care.

• Ganke:

- He will let you have some space but will be with you if you want, buys chocolate and other things, if you're fine with spicy food he will bring you it.

Word count: 301

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