Hobie x Goth Reader pt.2/last part

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I kept my words a promise, I did in fact see him very soon.
We've been meeting up and talking to each other for about half a year surprisingly.
And well like any other pair of people, we had became best friends.
Sometimes he would visit me while I work, of course in his suit and mask.
He's never showed me his face or his face, but I understand, it's to keep himself safe.
I was doing my routine as usual, this time working double for more money.
Noticing my shift was going to end, a tall dark skinned man with some of piercings on his face comes inside and sort of crazy hair.
I look at him for a second before minding my business as he shops around I guess.
Or whatever he is going to do while he is in the shop.
At the corner of my eye I see him staring at my direction.
Raising my head up and raising an eyebrow as I look him up and down.
His aura had a calm but familiar feeling to it, like I knew him.
He then comes to the counter and places the items he picked out.
"Just those?" I ask as I scan the items and tapping on the screen.
He nods putting his hands into his pockets of his jacket which seemed really familiar to Spider-Punks jacket.
"Alright that's five dollars and seventy nine cents." I say to him.
He pulls out a ten dollar bill out of his pocket, handing it to me.
I tap the screen which opens the register and take out the amount he needs back.
Putting the money, items and receipt into a bag before handing it to him.
"Have a nice day." I say to him.
"You too." The dark skinned man said softly as he walks out.
My eyes widen at the sound of his voice, I turn my head towards him.
But he already left the store.
"That voice..." I think to myself as my brows furrowed.
"Is it...Spider-Punk?" I thought to myself again placing my head into my arms waiting for my shift to end so I can go home.

~Timeskip: Shift ends~

As I walk home from the store, the hero comes from behind me.
"Hey luv." Spider-Punk says wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"Hey." I say, I listen to his voice, it's the same voice from the man from the store.
My face slowly realizing that I actually found out Spider-Punks secret.
And oh boy I wanted to say it so loud, but it can ruin our friendship.
So I stayed quiet, until the time is right.
He noticed how quiet I was, since I was close to him I would always talk nonstop to him.
"Ey, you okay?" He asks me, stopping both of us in our track.
"..." I stay silent because I don't want to expose and potentially ruin our friendship.
"You can tell me anything y'know right?" He says in his thick accent.
I sigh, "I'm just tired from today's shift." I say rubbing my temples.
"Anyways, where were you today besides protecting the city." I ask.
"Nowhere to be honest." He responds back to my question.
"...Liar." I think to myself, I nod at him before stopping in front of my house.
"Thanks for walking me home." I say giving him a small smile.
He smiles, "I think it's time you knew my name." He says.
I nod my head, "It's Hobart Brown, but just call me Hobie." He says to me smiling.
"As I said thanks for walking with me Hobie." I say to him softly.
"Any time." He says before swinging away from my sight.
I step inside my house and walk into my room and sleep.

Hobie's POV:

I look from afar, then sitting down.
"Someday I will tell you my secret." I say to myself before heading home.
Hopefully they didn't notice it was me, I hope I wasn't too obvious.
I mentally curse myself out harshly as I think I blew my cover.
I open the window of my home and step inside of my room.
I get out of my suit letting my hair fall down from being tighten from the mask.
I sigh and run a hand down my hair as I change into some comfortable clothes and head to sleep.

~A week later~

Y/n's POV:

Me and Spider-Punk planned to meet at my place to talk about a serious conversation.
Already knowing it had to do with his identity and telling me it.
I mentally prepare to act surprised like I didn't know any of it.
Hearing a ring from the doorbell of my house, I walk to the door.
Opening it to reveal none other than Spider-Punk, I greet him, stepping to the side to let him in.
He steps inside and sits on my couch.
I close the door behind me before sitting on the couch next to him.
"So what we planned to talk about was..about my identity." He says softly pausing with a bit of hesitation.
I nod, feeling myself growing sweaty a bit, but I had to hold the image as if I didn't know his identity.
He glances at me and noticed my nervous expression and body language.
"You wanna say something first." Hobie says like he knows that I know.
I stay silent a bit before sighing and speaking, "Hobie, I know you are, like what you look like without the whole suit and mask." I say with a nervous expression.
His eyes widen under the mask.
"You are that man that came into the store last week when I was working double shift." I say.
He sighs, "You got me, yeah I am that man who came into the store." He says chuckling before taking off his mask for the first time.
"How did you know it was me though luv?" He asks me.
"Well your aura was familiar and the jacket threw me off at first but then it was your voice." I say looking at him.
He smirks, "Well you are smarter than you look luv." Hobie says.
I smile at him before hugging him, "I didn't want to tell you because I thought it would ruin our friendship." I say softly.
"Well it increased to a relationship right now." He says chuckling again.
"You asking me out Hobie?" I ask playfully knowing he was.
"Yeah, so will you accept my love to you luv?" He says placing his hands on my waist.
"Yeah I'll accept it." I say laughing before sharing our first kiss together.

Word count: 1,116

A/n: The most I've ever written in my life

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