Miles x Venom Reader

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Bold: Venom speaking

I transferred to Visions Academy for a new start in my life.
And with the new life, one thing stays with me until I die.
That one thing that stayed is Venom.
A symbiotic creature that bonded with me causing me kind of like powers.
Of course I was learning how to use and control Venom.
"Y/n" Venom's deep voice said in my head, I sigh "Don't tell are hungry." I say.
"Very, let us find some bad guys." He says, as I walk to school.
I shake my head a bit while gripping the straps of my backpack.
"I have school, besides you can something else than brains." I say.
I hear him groan loudly, "I'm starving, and there's no chocolate." He says whining like a child.
"Well I'll buy you chocolate later, just maintain your hunger." I say closing my eyes and stop at the entrance of Visions Academy.
Venom growled a bit before silencing himself, leaving my in peace.
I walk towards the doors and walk through the blinding light.
I walk fast but not fast getting a couple of stares. I look around and bump into something hard.
I put one foot back saving myself from falling and turn and grab the persons hand so they don't fall.
It was a brown afro student that I saved from falling.
"You okay?" I ask pulling him up, he nods "Y-yeah I'm good..." he stays shyly.
"He looks delicious...can I eat him?" Venom says in my head.
"Shut up." I whisper quickly. The boy looks at me confused.
"Sorry, I'm just having a day." I smile a little nervously.
"It's fine...I haven't seen you around." He says looking at me nervously.
"I'm new here, just transferred." I say crossing my arms.
"That's cool, I'm Miles." He says smiling a bit.
I hum, "My names Y/n." I say smiling back at him.
"My hunger is growing more, let's just eat him." Venom says whining.
"Well I'll see you around Miles." I pat his shoulder before heading into the hallways.
I enter the bathroom, making Venom's head come out my shoulder.
"You're lucky I have remaining chocolate in my bag." I say looking through my bag.
I hold up the chocolate to his mouth, he eats is quickly.
"Time for class." I say fixing myself up before heading to class.
I sit in my seat for while, and see Miles coming in late before sitting next to me.
I shake my head and focus on my work.

Timeskip: After school

As I walk out the school, panting and footsteps can be heard coming towards me.
I turn to Miles again, "Can I help you with something?" I ask.
"We should hang out some time in school." He says catching his breath.
I laugh at him trying to catch his breath, "Yeah, I'd like that." I say.
After a few moments I speak again, "Well see you tomorrow Miles." I say smiling at him before leaving home.
"Yeah..." Miles says quietly as he watches me leave his sight before going home.
"Hm he is not as bad as I thought he would be." Venom says laughing a bit.
"...Yeah, he's not bad." I say before entering my house.

Word count: 550

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