Dating Miguel Includes:

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- Him being VERY protective of you.

- Being friends with LYLA.

- Looking like he doesn't care about you but does.

- Taking things slow.

- Him not really showing any affection, but small things when alone.

- Breaking your neck to look up at his tall ass.

- Questioning how you managed to make him fall for you.

- Him being too focused on his work and sometimes forgetting about you until you remind him.

- Work comes first.

- Being hesitant to let you get to know him.

- Little bit of glances when you do something near him.

- Is scared to see you go away from him.

- Less intimidating when you're around him.

- Helps you with stuff when you guys are together.

- Trying his best to not hurt you.

- Comforting him/being his personal therapist.

- Dealing with his anger issues.

- Sometimes him being a tired teddy bear and wanting to spend time with you.

- Keeps an eye on you from a distance.

Word count: 158

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