Dating Miles Includes:

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- Him bringing you small gifts unexpectedly.

- Hugs mostly everywhere, side hugs, back hugs, front hugs.

- His mom liking you completely (maybe because you speak Spanish).

- Swinging around New York around night time.

- Books full of drawings of you.

- If he's grounded he would sneak out and hang out at your place.

- Sometimes him doing his deep voice playfully when you see him in his suit.

- Drawing sessions with music.

- Helping him finish his homework so he can do his hero work.

- Him smiling every time you come in the room.

- Always trying to find a way to make you smile.

- Holding hands...

- Keeping you safe so he doesn't lose any more people.

-Making you his first but not first priority.

- Having a playlist about you.

- Being clingy with you.

Word count: 132

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