Chapter 24

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Niall pov

I ran over to the limp body to find my beloved princess.

Her leg was twisted around the underside of her body and blood was steadily flowing from a large gash where the bone cut through.

I looked up at the window.

"I will get you for this."

I whispered into the wind then looked back down at her.

I bent down checking her pulse to feel it very faintly.


She cannot die.

I will not allow it to happen.

She will live.

I picked her up very carefully and looked around trying to find a gate or exit of some sort.

I saw a small gate at the end of the other side of the yard.

"Call an ambulance."

I told Chloe who fiddled with her phone as I walked towards the gate. Chloe opened it and we walked through.

Harry caught a glimpse of Chloe and ran down the stairs holding her in a tight embrace.

Belle has to be okay.

I need to hear her sweet voice.

Hear her adorable laughter that will fill a room.

See her gorgeous green eyes that always change with her mood.

She just has to be okay.

Thanks guys for reading I'm so sorry they are so short!!!!!!!

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