Chapter 19

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I held Chloe close when 'Jack' walked into the room. He bent down in front of us. He grabbed my cheek turning my face towards his. I slapped his hand away receiving a chuckle.

"Babe, you two are gonna be here for a while so you might as well get used to us. What are your names?"

I stayed silent starting to shake.

"Alright well my name is Greg and this is Tyler and Zach."

He pointed to the two behind him smiling devishly.

I stayed silent and let out a little shriek when he grabbed the collar of my shirt lifting me into the air, causing me to drop Chloe in the process.

"Tell me your names!"


"Who's that?"


"Alright. Now was that so hard?"

He stroked my cheek and I spat at him. He didn't take that very well. He kept ahold of my shirt and took his other hand tightening it into a fist. He pulled it back and I closed my eyes prepared for the impact.

The power caused me to turn my head.

I felt blood trickling down my face from my nose. He threw me onto the floor, turning and walking back into the room.

I reached my hand up and pulled away wincing. It wasn't bleeding badly, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt like crap.

I looked at Chloe and she was wide eyed and shaking. She looked up and I followed her gaze to meet bright blue eyes followed by chocolate brown eyes.

Thanks for reading!!!!!!

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