Chapter 22

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It was my scream as I felt someone's arm snake around my waist. I squirmed and squirmed still hanging off the window.

"Stop squirming. Your gonna fall."

I snapped my head around and saw a familiar face.


"How what?"

"How could you?"

"I did what I had to do."

"You didn't have to do anything."

"I did and you know it. Know stop squirming and come inside."


I stated stubbornly crossing my arms like a child.

"I would rather fall then be in your arms anymore."


My eyes widened as his grip slipped from my waist.

Leaning against his grip away from the house to get free wasn't the greatest idea as I slipped from the window falling to the ground.

I heard my leg snap and screamed in agony.


I looked up to see Chloe hurriedly climbing down the tree.

"Niall! Where are you!"

I screamed before the world became dark again.

Thanks for reading! 40 VOTES for next chapter!!!!!!!

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