'Move him to medicube.' Mo Yeon says, and you all roll the patient bed into the medical containers. You place the patient in front of the OP room, Mo Yeon still holding the patient notes. Mubarat's guards and Korean soldiers following in.

'The records may not be accurate since the important political members have to keep their health conditions secret.' You look up seeing Captain Yoo standing next to you, reading the patient records over your shoulder. 

'Dr. Han, his pulse is dropping.' You hear Nurse Choi say, and Mo Yeon, and you turn towards the patient behind you.

'Get atropine.' You order, Nuse Choi nodding and reaching for the drawer in the operation room, but the guard stops you. 'We don't have much time. We have to plan the operation now.' you say, the others moving while you and Mo Yeon search the patient records. 

'Other medicine from foreign countries cannot be used on President Mubarat.' He says, taking a vial of medicine from his pocket and handing it to you, labelled nitroglycerine instead. Turning to look at the others, you see Nurse Ha approve. The guard holds the medicine out to you and Nurse Ha quickly loads it into a syringe, giving the shot.

'His organs are bleeding. We have to open him now.' You say to the others, Mo Yeon checking that the blood is pooling inside the patient. '20 minutes maximum.'

'Prepare the room.' Mo Yeon says to the others, and you try to reach for the sink only to be stopped by the guard.

'Only Arab doctors can operate on him. His attending physician is on the way.' He says, the other staff stopping preparing for surgery as they look at you.

'How far is he?' Mo Yeon asks as she comes to stand next to you.

'He'll arrive in one hour.' He replies, and you turn to check on the patient, his stomach bloating faster.

'He can only last minutes. Prepare the OP.' You say, the other staff resuming to set up the surgery. You try to push past the guard to the sink, but the guard pushes you back, reaching into his blazer, shoving a gun on your forehead. 

The black muzzle stares into you, the finger on the trigger trembling, the background blurry. 

You feel your breath stop before someone grabs your arm, pulling you backwards. Looking up, you see Captain Yoo, his hand resting on the gun on his waist. You feel Mo Yeon's hand on yours, squeezing it lightly as you stare at the guard pointing the gun at your forehead.

Shi Jin's pov

'Don't let them operate on him. If they can't succeed, the whole nation will be in trouble.' I hear the commander say from the earpiece, the other alpha members also preparing themselves on standby.

'Captain Yoo, do you copy. Don't let them operate.' I hear him repeat, and I glance at Dr. Han, her glinting eyes fixated on the gun pointing at her head. Shifting my gaze to Daeyoung, I give him the signal, his hand moving to his gun.

'Our military will not engage. If the patient dies, it's on the medical team. We don't have the resources or time to deal with the responsibility.' I hear him say through the earpiece as the alpha team stays alert, waiting for my signal. 

'Ya, if you listen to him, I'll-' I take the earpiece out, turning my head to Dr. Han, her eyes unblinking despite the tears now rolling down her face.

'Can you save him?' I ask, her finally taking her eyes off of the gun, her gaze venomous as she looks over to me. 

'We'll have to see after we open him up-'

[DOTS Y/n x Shi Jin] Always Beside YouWhere stories live. Discover now