Chapter 4

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The only people who's ever hugged me before was my mother and sisters, the feeling I got was reminiscent of Catherine. With her loving embrace surrounding me like an umbrella on a rainy day.

Catherine's hug wasn't as good as my mother's but it definitely made the top 5 best moments in my life.

Is it weird that I've been thinking about it for the last 2 days?

We walk by each other through the hallways. I pretend she's not there but she waves.

I can't help but wave back awkwardly.

She probably thinks I'm a freak, feels petty for me so I don't let these things get to my head. At least, I try to.

It's hard when she gives me that sweet smile.

Sometimes I forget she's even a vampire.

Maybe this is just some trick to lower my guard. I can't take any chances.

I keep my distance, seeing her up ahead I change my direction.

Somehow she still manages to notice me. No matter how much I try to avoid her.

It's irritatingly pleasing.

The morning before school starts a new student arrives.

We're going to share a room. Hopefully he'll be better than my last roommate.

Duncan Deadwood, a zombie.

He doesn't seem like any threat but it's better to be safe than sorry.

I see him during lunch time, walking up to Rohan with his lunch. He wants to befriend him. I know it's a bad idea, but I can't get the courage to stop him.

I watch, as they begin humiliating him, throwing his lunch across the ground.

Not long after he's surrounded by students, hearing their laughter steadily increase.

Welcome to the club.

It satisfies me knowing I'm not the only one, that there are others like me.

Is it wrong for me to think that?

I don't care.

No matter how much I try, I'm no saint.

I try to do good, most of the time at least.

After embarrassing Duncan, Rohan looks out to the crowd, and like always he notices me.

I then quickly make my way to my safe place.

Before getting to my destination I get stopped.

Her perfume clouds my sense of smell.


"Hi." It's like her high pitched tone drains my confidence to empower her own, that is if I had any confidence.

"Urr, hey?"

"You busy?" She asks with her eyes focused at her ex boyfriend.

"I'm actually headed too............" She cuts me off again and turns to me. "Too?"

"Um, nevermind. W, what's up?" I am too ashamed to tell her that I spent my breaks alone in the restroom.

"Nothing, I just thought we could hang out. Is that ok with you?"

I've never hung out with anybody before, not even my siblings.


It still amazes me that she knows my name.

"Urr, sure."

"Cool." And just like that she turns and walks on, expecting me to follow.

I know I said I can't take any chances but I just couldn't say no.

As we walk together through the hallway I see them, watching me. Surprised that I'm walking beside Catherine. Their faces show disgust and disapproval.

It's too much for me to handle so I stop in my tracks as she continues walking.

She's unaware that I've left her side, I then turn back and head to my safe place.

I feel bad, leaving her without warning but it cannot be helped. Maybe this will be the reason she stops interacting with me.

As I get to the restroom I feel a tug at the back of my jacket.

It's Catherine.


"You left." Her face now reflects confusion for my disappearance.

"Sorry." The only thing I can think of doing is apologizing.

"Everyday I see you coming to the restroom at lunch, why?" Her reply shocks me to the core. It seems as though it wasn't just the popular kids who noticed me.

"Um, I like being alone." I gave a simple excuse to avoid the situation from worsening.

"You know what I think. I think you're just afraid of being around people so you constantly try to isolate yourself from society."

I am left stunned. She reads me like an open book.

"Do you even have one friend?" She asks.

" ....... No" I can no longer lie my way out of this.

"I think you're sweet, but that's not enough to keep relationships going. Here, when you're ready actually start talking to people text me."

She hands me a piece of paper before quickly leaving. It's her number

I actually got her number.

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