Chapter 3

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I've never been to a party before.

Just the thought of being around a group of people while under the influence terrifies me.

What if I throw up? What if I pass out? What if I embarass myself so much that.............

Maybe it's best if I don't think about those things.

I spend hours picking out my outfit. Nothing too fancy, or too boring. It should be cool but casual.

Apparently Rohan's pack ( family ) didn't want to leave him alone so they got a house just in town.

Don't know how he got them away for the weekend.

I enter his house to find my fellow learners jumping up and down to loud music and taking alcoholic beverages to sooth the pain of their miserable lives.

Me? I think I'll just find the nearest corner to keep away from this chaos.

"Didn't think you'd be here." Willow, her voice breaks through the chaotic music. It looks like she's taken the corner too.

"N, neither did I." My words crash against it each other like two drunk drivers.

In the distance I see Rohan. He walks around bear chested, dancing with random girls as he chugs shots after one another.

Clearly compensating for something.

Then, our eyes lock and he makes his way towards me.

"Who invited the runt?" He pans around to the students around him expecting everyone to agree.

"I'm pretty sure the entire school was invited." Then Willow answer's his question leaving the crowd shocked.

"Look at you, defending him. Why don't you ditch this punk and come dance with me." Unsurprisingly the first thing he does is try and " flirt with her."

"I don't dance, and even if I did I wouldn't do it with you." Her response leaves the crowd baffled with gasps bouncing across the room.

"Heh, playing hard to get. I like it." He rubs his finger across her check before being grabbed and squeezed by Willow.

"I definitely don't. Get away from me before break that sweet jawline of yours." She stares deep into his eyes burning fear into his pupils.

"Whatever." He then backs off, pretending to be unfazed.

She actually managed to intimidate him. Guess there really is a first time for everything.

" Thank you."

" Doesn't mean I want to talk to you." She turns and walks off never to be seen for the rest of the night.

" Um, right."

I then distance myself from the line of sight, making my way to the bathroom.

As I play Stay Alive I hear the sound of cries in the distance.

I peak through the window, seeing someone sitting on top of the roof.

I climb from the window to the top.

As I draw closer I see it's Catherine who's been crying.

I shouldn't pry in someone else's business, I turn back going the way I came.

With my head turned I realise how high I am from the ground. I panic and slip, sliding from the rooftop to the ground.

Then, a hand grabs ahold of mine.

It's Catherine.

She then helps me up and we both get to the top.

"Thank you Catherine." To my suprise I am not left feeling regret.

"We can call it even if you promise not to tell anyone you saw me crying."

"Um, ok." It's not like I know anyone to tell.

"You're probably wondering what happened to me." She tries to repair the damaged make up on a face.

"Urr, it's none of my busin............" Before being able to finish my sentence I am being cut off by Catherine's explanation.

"My boyfriend broke up with me."

" Oh um.........." I try to scramble up words to use to comfort her but being cut off again.

"He said that his found someone else. Apparently she's prettier than me too."

I stare at her for a few seconds before releasing my inner thoughts.

"I think you're pretty beautiful."
She turns away, hiding her face from me. "Thanks, I spent two hours on my make up. What good that got me."

I try comforting her by gentle placing my hand on her shoulder. "You don't need make up, you're beautiful either way."

Her arms then wrap around me like a python ready to squeeze the life out of it's prey.

I tighten my shoulders with anticipation. Instead I get a hug.

"You're not so bad Lycan."

"You know my name?"

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