Chapter 30

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Oj's Pov.

I sat in my room as I simply ignored the outside world while listening to music full blast. I had made a headphone set and had been getting to know the humans music culture. I had to say, I was able to relate to the rap an rock side. I had always worked with music and even liked writing songs. My mind soon going back to when my sister and I were young, Stargaze definitely was built to be a singer. Much like our carrier, she had an amazing voice, even the carrier never liked admitting it. Megatron would always talk about how beautiful her voice was and that she would of been able to make a name for herself. But the world was harsh for them and neither were able to follow their passions. I had my optics closed as I leaned back in my chair that sat at a desk in my room.

I was so lost in thought that I hadn't realized someone had entered my room, I opened my optics as my headphone was lifted off my head fin and heard a voice. "I see you still love rock." I looked over as I saw my sister as she smirked and let the headset go as it smacked against my head. I rolled my optic as I smiled and pulled my headset off my fins and let them rest around my neck. "You know it." I laughed lightly before I spun the chair around and faced her while I sat up in my seat. "What's up?" I asked as I reached up and turned the music down on my headphones a bit. "I came to get ya, you're going out on patrol with Arcee after she takes Jack home remember?" Stargaze teased gently and crossed her arms, I tiled my head before I realized what time it was and frowned. "Scrap" I cursed as stood up and put my headphones on the desk "Better hurry or you'll be late for your date~" I groaned a bit as Gaze teased about him and the Autobot femme.

"It isn't a date Gaze." I said as we walked out of my room and started down the hall. I did have to admit, I did have great respect for the femme. What she lacked in size she made up in skill, she was strong, swift, I could keep going on about her skills. Arcee was actually not that bad of a bot once I have gotten to know her and the team. And she wasn't that bad looking either, she was a beautiful femme. "Whatever you say, I know you are crushing on her~" Gaze continued as she hovered on her jets in front of me, her still moving backwards as I walked. I rolled my good optic and pushed her playfully "Think what you want but I know you got the hots for a certain scout~" I teased back and grinned as she blushed heavily and dropped back down onto the ground.

"Touche brother"

I laughed lightly as we got to the main area and looked around as the bots got ready to take the kids home. "Remember to behave Oj" I turned as Carrier stood at the computer with Ratchet and Optimus.  I rolled my optic once more and looked back to her "I'm not a sparkling Carrier." I said as I looked to Arcee and Jack, her already being transformed as Jack was getting on. "Come on or you're being left behind." Arcee snapped a bit and I raised a brow "Whatever you say" I said with a slight huff as I transformed and drove behind her, following her out of base and into town.

" Arcee snapped a bit and I raised a brow "Whatever you say" I said with a slight huff as I transformed and drove behind her, following her out of base and into town

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(just the front of the truck is Oj's vehicle form)

I drove behind Arcee and Jack as they talked, I wasn't part of the conversation as i played something on my radio. I of course parked outside of Jack's neighborhood due to my vehicle mode. But I didn't care as I liked my beast of mode, it just called to me. Tho after a short while I spotted Arcee coming my way, I turned my radio off. "Though you were dropping him off?" I asked as Jack was still on Arcee "It's mech, they got my mom." I frowned to myself as they explained what mech they had done had asked the three of them to come alone. "Wait, how an why they want me?" I asked as it confused me "I don't know but come on." Arcee said as she led the way. I hummed a moment as I followed after them "Have a feelin this is gonna be a trap." I stated as we followed Mechs directions.

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