Chapter 6

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Dark Shadow's POV.

I smiled as I watched Stargaze as she rested next to me. She had fallen asleep next to me not long after optimus had left us. She was really my pride and joy, I couldn't imagine what I would do if I had lost her too. This made me sigh at the thought of her twin. I stared off as the memory of my son came back into mind, seeing him playing with his sister. It had effected us both when he had lost him, I had left the safe house we were in to contact my brother but by the time i had returned. The area had become a war zone and Stargaze's twin had pushed her out of the way as a building had exploded and collapsed. Burying him underneath. 

My grip tightened on my daughter as I held her close. We were never able to find him as the area was to dangerous to stay. After that day we had both went into hiding, from both the autobots and my brother. I just couldn't stand the thought of losing my daughter to this war. 

I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard someone coming over to us. I lifted my head as I looked and saw primes medic, I loosened my posture slightly as he came to stand near my side. "I see you are awake still." he said in a low tone not to wake my daughter, which I was a bit grateful for since she needed to rest. I nodded a yes slightly in reply, looking to Gaze as I gently rubbed her head as she steered in her sleep but relaxed at my touch. He walked down to my leg as I watched him look it over "You still feeling any pain?" he asked which I just shook my head "No" I said softly as I looked back to Gaze. I was still in a bit of pain but being a gladiator, I had gotten used to feeling pain and was used to ignoring it.

He looked up to me, he seemed somewhat surprised at the sound of my voice. I sighed lightly before looking to him, still keeping a low tone "Thank you, we are both grateful for your help." He stared up at me a moment, it being silent between us before he spoke "Your welcome..." I could tell he wasn't sure what to think of me, I huffed a small smile as I turned my optics to my daughter again. "Guessing you didn't expect Megatrons twin to thank others." I looked back to him "It... is something like that, I was never aware he had a twin." I nodded "Not many knew of my existence, I preferred it that way in honesty."   

"My daughter should make a fast recovery?" I asked, I couldn't help but make sure as I know for a seeker if they are unable to fly. It can make them go crazy and they can cause more harm to themselves. "Yes, she'll be able to take flight in a few days. Just as long as she is careful but as for yours. You have sustained massive damage to your lower leg and have some bad internal injuries." I sighed softly as I looked down slightly "How long?" was all I asked, I already knew what these injuries meant. I would be stuck here a good while "I'll have to watch the internal bleeding but it should heal within a the week but with your leg, you'll have a bad limp tell it heals. I would suggest not walking for a few weeks at least but only time will tell if you'll lose the limp." I listened to his words closely as he spoke.

"So we're stuck here." I sighed as I ran a hand over my face 'Stuck here with 'him'.' I thought as I looked back to Stargaze. I looked back to him "I understand this but you really expect me to lay here for the next few weeks?" I raised a optic ridge as I watched him. He seemed to think a few moments "I can make you a crutch of some kind, so you can move around but carefully." I nodded, I didn't like looking weak in front of others but it was what it was.

"I can live with that, not like I haven't before."

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