Chapter 24

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Dark Shadow's Pov

I sat in my room in the base as I stared at a hologram. It displaying old memory's of the past. Most being of my brother and I. In our early years of the pits. I lift my hand as I swipe to the side, another hologram image appearing. I smiled gently as it being a photo of some of my students. I had took it upon myself to help the new comers to the pits of kaon.

Much like me and my twin, many young bots were drug into the life of a gladiator. Most not having any fighting experience whatsoever. So, I gave them all a fighting chance in the pits. I couldn't help but miss the lads. They are all such great warriors and good companies. I sighed softly as I kept swiping through the photos, slowly.

I could still remember each one of their names, even after all these years. I knew most had decided to join the Autobots side while the rest chose to fight with my twin. I kept swiping until I stopped mid swipe. I slowly pulled the photo back to look it closely. I gave a saddened look at it, in the photo as was sitting on the ground, my legs crossed over each other.

I looked to the other bot on the photo. Him being in sat in my lap as he looked over data pads. I was holding the young mech in my arms and watching him as he studied. "You ok Shadow?" I jumped slightly as I snapped my head over to the door. I saw Optimus coming over as he entered my room. I sighed as I leaned back in my chair, rubbing my optics "You really need to stop doing that."  I huffed slightly at him.

I looked back to him as I noticed him looking at the old photo of us. I moved my hand over the hologram as it blocked the photo from view of him. "What you want?" I asked turned the device off and put it in my desk. "I wanted to see if you wish to go on patrol with me. I can show you the area." He spoke as I looked to him. I stared at him a moment "I guess I can tag along." I stood myself up and followed him to the main area. Both of us transforming and driving out of the base.

I followed behind him in silence as he led the way. "I remember that day." I looked to Optimus as he broke the silence. "I had been busy studying but you stayed with me throughout the time. You were just as interested in learning as I was." I realized what he was talking about. " always looked at the interesting subjects.." I spoke slowly as I recalled the memory.

It went quiet between us as we drove, before her suddenly turned off the main road and towards what I understood was a forest. "Optimus?" I said as I turned off, following after him. He stayed quiet as he drove through the trees. Before he came to a stop, I drove up as he transformed. I came to a stop and transformed, standing in front of him.

"Why didn't you tell me where you were?" I looked at him as he spoke to me. I stayed quiet "Up until we found you and Stargaze.....I thought you had perished." I gave a slightly guilty look as I heard the hurt and sadness in his tone.  "I..." I couldn't give an answer, I had no idea how to tell him what happened to me. I then frown as he acted like nothing happened that day. "You should know why I left without a word to you." I glared slightly.

"No, I do not know why you suddenly disappeared. Dark Shadow, you were the only bot I-" He was cut off by his comlink going off. "Optimus do you read?" I faintly heard Ratchet over his comlink. He glanced to his com a moment before looking back to me. He sighed as he put his fingers to his head "I hear you Ratchet, what is it?" He asked as he watched him. I huffed as I turned away a moment. I didn't hear anything else from Ratchet, only Optimus' reply.

"Yes, she is with me. We're on our way back now, over and out." I looked back to him as he came over. "What's wrong?" I asked as he looked to me "We need to get back, Stargaze will tell you when we return." He said and transformed, I frowned as I did the same and sped after him.

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