Chapter 15

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Optimus Pov.

I groaned as I slowly forced my optics open. I looked over as as Ratchet stood next to me. "Welcome back Optimus." He smiled as I started getting up "Easy Optimus." I gritted my teeth as he sit up and stands. I looked over as the team cheered at the sight. I smiled gently as I looked past them. Both Dark Shadow and her daughter stood behind the group.

Stargaze was the one who came over with the others. "Glad you're alright Prime." Stargaze smiled as she came over "indeed, I have you and the others to thank for that." I rested a hand on her shoulder and looked to the team. My optics moving back to Shadow as she came to stand with her daughter. "And thank you Dark Shadow, I probably would of died sooner without your care." I said as I watched her.

She said nothing as she stared at me, I couldn't read her expression as she did. Shadow soon raised her arm and held out her hand, her palm facing up slightly. I looked to her hand a moment as I remembered the gesture. I lifted my arm as I gently grabbed below her elbow, she grabbed in the same spot on my arm. It was a hand shake of shorts in the pits of kaon.

"Just call me Shadow, Optimus." She smiled as she held my arm a few moments and let go. I smiled as well "Besides, I owned ya one." Shadow looked to her daughter a moment then back to me. "Guess I own you and your team a apology." She bowed her head, a old habit from her days in the pits. A warriors respect. "I know I've been a glitch towards most of you, especially you. I haven't trusted anyone since my sons passing." I listened to her as she spoke, I moved ad put a hand on her shoulder.

Making her look to me "You don't have to apologize, you were only trying to protect your daughter." I said and took me hand away. She huffed and smirked as she put her hands on her hips. "You might look different but you still have that same spark."  I smiled slightly as I thought a moment. "Well, like a friend once said, you never judge a book by its cover." I watched her straighten up as she heard me speak.

Stargaze's pov.

I watched my carrier and Optimus as they spoke. After Optimus said those words he went with Ratchet to finish up some testing. Carrier followed behind them, I couldn't help but smirk as I saw how she acted with him. I had never see her just click with anyone besides uncle. "What's the look for?" I glanced back to the platform as Miko and the others came over.

"I've never seen carrier act like she is to anyone before. I think someone's got an interest." I watched as her face lit up. "Darks got a crush?!" I quickly shut her up as I shook my hands and head. "Shhhh! Don't start yelling tha stuff out!" I whispered yelled as I glanced over where carrier was but guessed she didn't hear and sighed. "My Carrier has never liked anyone in that way." I actually went silent a moment "Least she never talked about her past, neither did Megatron." I looked to the children.

"Well, she had to love someone if she had you." I sighed softly "Carrier never spoke of my sire, when we would ask she just shut down." I looked over as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I smiled gently as I saw it was bee. "I never knew my sire neither." He beeped out in a softer tone. I smiled as hugged him, I felt him return it. I pulled back as I looked to him "And thank you, for what you did." I smiled gently as I kissed his cheek and walked away.

I had to admit, he was cute and I had never been around a bit my own age. Well besides my brother of course. It was nice to be around someone who just got me. I sighed softly as I went to my room and laid down.

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