Chapter 11

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Dark Shadow's Pov.

I stood away from the others as Ratchet did scans on Optimus. We had managed to get him back but he quickly became bed riden after getting back to base. I knew all the signs of this virus too well, I just hoped I was wrong for once. I turned my head as I heard Ratchet speaking "Psybionic plague" my spark sank at the words.

Moved closer as I stood off to the side of Optimus, looking over his vitals. I was already doing the math on how much time he had before he would die. I had studied the virus when brother had made it, in order to protect my sparklings. I was still sparked with them when the virus was released. "You can fix him, right?" I heard the human children above on the walk ways.

"There is no cure." I spoke as I looked to them then the others as they looked to me. "With the rate of his vitals right now, he'll be lucky to last the next 24 hours." I stated as I look to the screen, his vitals dropping here and there. "How do you know, maybe he'll pull through." I looked down as the bots explained the viruses deadly effects.

I looked to Optimus as he laid on the medical table. His cooling fans working over time to help his body but his breathing was rough. "No one has ever survived the virus." Ratchet said, I could hear the sorrow in his voice. "You're wrong." We all turned to see Stargaze standing off to the side. I frowned as I knew what she was about to do.

"Stargaze-" I warned but she looked to me and frowned "Carrier I'm tired of seeing bots falk victim to this virus. You should more than know the agonizing pain he is going through." She quickly realized what she did and everyone looked to me. I glanced around the room seeing all eyes and optics on me. I looked down to Optimus as he to looked up to me. I sighed as I looked down.

"I was assigned to study the viruses effects and abilities....I was still sparked at this point when the virus was released. There was an accident during one of the testing programs. Ending in many getting infected with the virus..." I paused as I thought back on that day, I sighed deeply before continuing. "Me being one of them." I looked up to then.

"I am unsure of how I survived but after studying the virus further. I had only guessed my twin had something with it." I told the truth, if there was a cure I was never made aware of it. "That means there could be a cure?" Jack asked "Yes, tho I have no clue how you would find it." I added.

"Why not checked the Decepticons Main Frame. We still have a beat on their ship." Stargaze pointed to the screen as the tracker tracked the ship still. "Bee you with me." Arcee said and they both got ready to leave. "I'm coming too." I snapped my head to Stargaze as she went after them. "Like in the pits you are." I moved and grabbed her shoulder but she shook it off and turned to me. "Carrier I know that ship front to back, I can lead the bots straight to the main frame with no trouble. Please, I want to help him." I stared down at my daughter a moment before looking over my shoulder to Optimus.

I gave a soft sigh "Go" I said softly as she smiled and nodded as she went with Arcee and Bumblebee. I watched the ground bridge close behind them. "Be careful, my dear." I said quietly as I moved back to Optimus side. Watching his state very closely.

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