Chapter 22

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No one's Pov.

Stargaze and Jack looked for Arcee, after a while they found her pinned to the cliff side. A spider like con hovering over her, Stargaze was quick to transform as she flew in and shot at the con. Covering Jack as he ran to Arcee to try and free her. Stargaze kept heavy fire on the spider femme. Tho Arachnid got the upper hand on the unexperienced bot as she shot her weds at her cannons.

Stargaze panicked transform, she tried pulling the webs off and looked back up in time to see Arachnid charging her. She blocked the femmes attacks as best she could. But Arachnid threw her back against a tree, making Stargaze groan in pain. Before she could pull away, she was quickly pinned by the cons webs.

Stargaze struggled as she glared to the femme. Arachnid then went after Jack, making both her and Arcee struggle to get free.

Elsewhere, Jack ran for dear life as Arcadia hunted him down. Him hearing her voice getting closer by the second. Jack had ended up back at her ship and a idea sparked in his mind after seeing the energon leaking from the back. He went around back after he had lured Arachnid inside. "Hope this works." He lit a match as he threw it up into the thrusters and took off running. And within moments the ship was up in flames as it exploded.

Which got the attention to another cybertronian that was present on that ship as well.

Jack's Pov.

I groaned as I pushed myself up and looked back to the ship. Relaxing a bit thinking it was over but how wrong I was. Before I knew it, I was pinned back against a tree with Arachnid webs. "You'll pay for this you insect!" I looked up terrified as Arachnid dropped down, covered in burn marks. She reared one of her legs back and before it came down.

Arachnid was shot several times, making her stumble back. "Why don't ya pick on someone your own size glitch." I turned my head as I thought I was hearing things. It almost sounded like Optimus but sounded much younger. I watched as a tall bot came out and stood I'm front of me. Arachnid growled as she looked to the bot. "I should of tore you apart a long time ago!" She ran at him, he charged her as well.

But he dodged her attack and grabbed a tight hold of one of her spider legs. "Yea, you should have." He growled as he lifted her and slammed her against the ground by her leg. He repeated this a few times before he threw her hard enough to slam through several trees, breaking them in haft as she went by.

He chased after her but she quickly drilled into the ground. He shot down at her several times before he stopped. The bot turned back and started coming back towards me. I grew nervous as he knelt down and pulled the webs off. "Ya, good kid?" He asked as he shook his hand and frowned as he tried getting two webbing off his hand.

I took a good look at the bot, I grew more confused as he looked so much like prime. Tho the coloring was much darker, there was deep scaring in his armor and scaring over his face and a patch sat over his right optic. "Who are you?" I asked making him look at me.  He was silent a bit before his stood up and finally got the webbing off. I also noticed he seemed to be missing some fingers on his hand.

"The name Orion Strike." He smirked as he wiggled his fingers he had left on his hand before looking back to me.

"But most just call me O.J."

I hoped you guys liked it.

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