Chapter 37

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Percy slashed Riptide towards Zoe's torso, who dodged by taking a step backwards.  Zoe crouched down and swiped her legs, trying to trip Percy.  Percy jumped up and pounced at Zoe, pinning her down.  They both wrestled on the floor.  Zoe managed to flip Percy, once again pinning him on the floor.  She rested her knife on Percy's neck.

"Do you yield?" Zoe asked, smirking.

"The better question is, do you yield?  I have my knife above your heart, one powerful stab and you'll be gone," Percy smirked.

"Then it shall be a draw," Zoe said calmly.

"Therefore, this proves my point of not needing a bodyguard," Percy said, wiping his sweat.

Zoe rolled her eyes and whacked him on the head, "Enemies out there wouldn't care for their life if it meant they could serve their master.  They'll kill you even if they die."

"Wait, if you're my bodyguard, does that mean I'm your master?  So you'll die for me?" Percy asked in a teasing manner.

Zoe froze a little bit, before starting to walk away for the arena, "I would not phrase it that way.  I'm merely your companion, but yes, I would risk my life for you."

Percy froze up at the last statement, he had meant for Zoe to start bickering with him.  Thinking back to what she had said, Percy's face warmed up and his heart fluttered a bit.  'What are you doing Percy?  That is a totally normal statement!'

Percy walked out of the arena, only to be met with a grinning Leo.

"Hiya Amica! (I think that's Latin for friend?  Idk, I use Google Translate, so someone who speaks latin, can you help me check?)" the elfish Latino waved with a grin.

Leo came towards Percy along with Jason and Piper.

"Saw you with your girlfriend just now," Piper smirked.

"She is not my girlfriend," Percy argued.

"Yet, she is not yet your girlfriend," Jason said calmly.

Percy gasped, "Betrayal!"

"What's got you so flustered?" Jason pointed out.

"We were just sparring. I thought you said you saw me with Zoe?" Percy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ok, so I might've lied about that," Jason muttered.

"Anyways, what's up?" Percy asked.

"We were thinking of going to Camp Jupiter, do you want to join us?" Leo asked.

"Sure! Have you asked Jayden for approval?" Percy asked.

"Why him?" Piper asked.

"He's the camp leader and I didn't want to bother Chiron, or Mr D, so I guess Jayden would be the better choice," Percy shrugged.

"What if he doesn't agree?" Jason asked.

"Oh, trust me, he will," Percy grinned.

So this is a really short chapter, the next one will be a bit longer, I hope.  Sorry, I have been trying to get Nahida in Genshin.  Anyways, Percy will die in the future, but in sequel he will get his happily ever after.

So you will have to wait.  HAHA

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