Chapter 36

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"Ugh, Jayden is such a prick," Percy groaned.  He was getting breakfast with Zoe when Jayden walked over.  Yesterday, Jayden started boasting at the campfire on how he got Zeus' bolt and Hades' helmet with Annabeth and Luke.

"At least he stopped hitting on that Annabeth girl after she whupped him," Zoe laughed.

"Yeah, I guess," Percy said, he cut a small piece of blue pancake and stuffed it in his mouth. 

"Yo, Jackson," Jayden said from behind.  He and his minions approaching him.

Percy rolled his eyes, took another bite, and turned around, "What do you want, Bryce?"

"Watch your tone, I'm the leader in this camp," Jayden snarled.

"Didn't know pigs could lead," Percy whispered into Zoe's ear, making her laugh.

Everyone turned their attention towards the trio.

"What did you say?" Jayden asked.

"I said, I didn't know pigs could lead," Percy yelled.

"I am no pig.  You should say that to yourself.  Have you even met Zeus?  Or Hades?" Jayden asked, looking smug.

"Puh-lease, I held up the sky when I was young, I retaliated in front of Zeus, the pig is you, besides, I'm pretty sure those are the works of Luke and Annabeth," Percy laughed.

Jayden turned red in anger, but he turned towards Zoe, "Who's this lovely lady?"  

Zoe looked like she was about to pounce on Jayden.  Percy saw this and quickly held Zoe back while laughing.

"What's got her so riled up?" Jayden asked his minions.

"She doesn't like you," Percy simply said.  He calmed Zoe down, who was still looking irritated.

"Who doesn't like me?  I've got plenty of rizz, all stored in this perfect body," Jayden smiled smugly.  He pointed at himself and the minions all cheered in agreement.

"Self-obsessed much?" Percy grinned.

"Watch it, Jackson, the girl will soon be mine," Jayden laughed.  Suddenly, a knife was flung straight through his legs and wedged in a table behind Jayden.

"Watch your next words carefully, you are lucky I'm the one who threw that knife," Percy said, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"You missed Jackson," Jayden laughed smugly.

"I think the boy will be a perfect jackalope," Zoe said.

"No, Zoe, at least not now," Percy sighed.

"I think Lady Artemis would agree, come to think of it, I think she would be the first one to suggest this," Zoe said with a thoughtful look and a sly grin.

"Lady Artemis?" Jayden echoed.

"Do you know anything about mythology, Bryce?" Percy sighed.

"I'm more of an expert than you," Jayden said.

"Damn, this boy got a pretty big ego," Percy said whistling and, smiling a bit, remembering how he, Annabeth and Luke fooled around near the dam, making Zoe clueless when they were on a quest to save Lady Artemis.

"Watch it, Jackson, I'm the son of Ares," Jayden growled.

"Pfffft, that's child's play to me, also, you don't seem like a son of Ares to me.  Look at Clarisse," Percy replied, letting his sassy side show up.  Clarisse smiled a bit, showing a tad bit of gratitude.

"Well, this totally ruined my mood AND my breakfast.  I don't want to waste any of my time on you anymore.  Let's get to the arena, Zoe," Percy said.  He stood up and walked out with Zoe.

Suddenly he turned, "And for the record, I never miss."  Then, he walked out with Zoe.

"Pffft, never miss?" Zoe laughed when they exited the Big House.

"Hey, come on, it was a badass line," Percy pouted.

"As if you would never miss, Jackson" Zoe said, in a teasing manner.

"Just you wait, Zoe.  One day, I'll prove you wrong, very wrong."

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