Chapter 28

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"Mi'lady, there is no sign of Percy yet," Phoebe said.  

As soon as Artemis heard that Percy went missing, she issued a mission to search for Percy, by her own will, not by Zeus' will.  Honestly, Zeus could care less about what happened to Percy after Percy got him in hot waters with Hera. Poor guy got scolded for a whole night you could hear screaming from a thousand miles away, probably the reason why it had been static that very day, then, the next day he arrived at the meeting with a red handprint on his face, Poseidon couldn't stop his laughter.  Of course, he still didn't know that Athena and Artemis had adopted the boy, so he wasn't concerned about the fate of Percy.

Athena was guilty too, a part of her knew she should have tried to make time for Percy, even though Zeus wouldn't be too happy about it.  Artemis was beyond devastated, she for one knew that Percy left mainly because of her avoiding him.  Let's say, Apollo wasn't as bright as before now, he had grown fond of the boy.  

"We should keep looking Phoebe," Artemis rubbed her eyes tiredly.  

"Perhaps we should take a rest, the young hunters are tired, and you look like a zombie," Phoebe reasoned.

"Of course, for the young hunters," Artemis said.  Phoebe then went out to signal the hunters to set camp.


One year later

"One latte please," an old woman rasped.

Percy is now 15, working as a parttime in a coffee shop and also being a student.  He has grown into a fine young man and had many girls drooling over him. (A.N.  I know most of the authors write this, but I really need to emphasize his charmingness)

"Of course, one latte coming right up," Percy smiled.  He swung the towel over his shoulder and went to the machine, he poured the coffee into a cup then added the milk.  Before he went to serve the coffee to the lady, he brewed a new batch of coffee for standby.

"Here you go, be careful, it is hot," Percy said, handing it carefully to her.  

"Thank you, young man.  Why don't you take a break and come talk to me.  Customer's request," the old woman smiled.

"Sure, let me inform Lindsey back there," Percy said. 

"Lindsey!  I'm taking a break, customer's request," Percy yelled.  

No answer.

"Lindsey!" Percy yelled again.  Puzzled, he went into the storage to find Lindsey, his colleague.  The old woman smiled coyly.

"Lindsey?  Are you ok?" Percy opened the door only to be met with a cold mist.  Something was definitely not right.  

'No shit, sherlock, of course something isn't right,' Percy retorted in his brain.  Something suffocating is in the room.  Suddenly, a hand shot out from one of the boxes and covered his mouth, preventing him from screaming.



Wisdom's arrow (PERZOE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora