Chapter 25

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"Mi'lady!" Phoebe yelled.  Artemis stopped sharpening her knives as Phoebe came over.

"Yes, Phoebe?" Artemis asked.

"Are you avoiding Percy?" Phoebe asked.  Artemis stared out.

"No offense mi'lady.  But you seem to be ignoring Percy's request to see you lately.  As Lieutenant of the hunt, I'd like to ask why," Phoebe said.  After Zoe's death, her position had been passed onto Phoebe.

"I'm fine Phoebe, perhaps it is better to leave it like that.  You won't understand anyways," Artemis sniffled a bit.

"Try me," Phoebe said.

"People are starting to be suspicious.  Do you remember the prophecy issued before Percy was here.  

A half-blood of the three gods

Shall reach sixteen against all odds

To catch the eye of evil

One way before the medieval

A fallen star shall crash

A diety turn to ash

I was pretty confused, how can someone be a demi-god of three gods?  Well, I guess we have our answer.  I should've thought clearly before adopting him," Artemis said.

"Then why'd you adopt him?" Phoebe asked.

"I guess it was because he seemed really sad and desperate.  His mother had just died for Hades' sake.  I just never thought Athena would be there, besides, it had slipped my mind.  That prophecy had been issued a long time ago.  If Zeus knew, he would be paranoid, and kill him.  Fate knows what will happen when such an important person died," Artemis laughed bitterly.

"I'll take good care of him, Mi'Lady," Phoebe promised.

"Thank you," Artemis said softly, then Phoebe left.


"Luke, Annabeth!" Percy yelled.

"Yea?" Luke turned and asked.

"Are you done with cabin inspections?" Percy asked.

"Yep, and yours is as messy as it could be," Annabeth said, chuckling.

"Awww, anyways.  Are you guys free to hang out?" Percy asked.

"Sorry Perce, but we have a date later and we will be leaving in the summer so we have to pack.  There are still a few weeks until the summer holiday and we're planning on going to New Rome.  Exciting right?" Luke said.

"Yeah, I guess so.  Well, have fun, guys," Percy said, faking a smile.

"Thanks Perce, perhaps when we come back?" Luke said.

"Of course," Percy smiled, half-heartedly.  He watched as both figures walked away, he kicked stones on the ground as he walked to the beach.

He sat by the seashore suddenly, he sensed the water stir.  Out came a guy wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.  Poseidon.

"Hey son," Poseidon said with a smile.

"Hi...Dad," Percy said.  Poseidon winced slightly at the reluctance when he called him dad.

"What's with the long face?" Poseidon asked.

"It's...nothing," Percy kicked sand.

"Come on," Poseidon tried.

"  I'm not really ready to open up yet..." Percy said, not looked into Poseidon's eyes.

"Of course.  But know that I'll always be here for you," Poseidon said softly, then with a flash, he disappeared.

Percy praid to Athena 'Hey Thena, are you free now?'

'Sorry Perce, but I'm quite busy right now, maybe next time'

Percy was again staring out, until he heard the, oh, so familiar voice of Phoebe.

"Hey Aquaboy, whatcha doing?" Phoebe said.

"Ugh, you again?" Percy mocked annoyed.

"How dare you?" Phoebe mocked hurt.

"Come on Pheebs, I could never," Percy laughed.

So kinda took a bit of the original prophecy and changed it, but I'm really bad at making these poems so yea...  Please forgive me.

Anyways, about the voting:

LukexAnnabeth x0

Luke dies x2

Single Percy x1

PercyxRachel x0

PercyxZoe x1(?)

PercyxTheHunt x2  (I dunno how, but I guess I could try to make this work)

Please support me by voting again.  🥹🥹  Thank you very much

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