Chapter 26

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Percy put all his things in a bag when suddenly a column of fire appeared bursting.

"Percy? Why are you packing your things?" Hestia asked confused.

"Who told you I am packing my things?" Percy said, shoving his bag behind him. Hestia peered over him and saw the bag.

"Yeah, right. Tell me why now, young man," Hestia said, her motherly side showing.

"Uhm, well," Percy swallowed nervously, "I just think that camp is too boring. Every day, I just eat, train and sleep. Besides, now that the hunt is back in the forest, there's nothing to do. Lately, Mom has been ignoring me for some reason, and Annabeth and Luke are dating.  Honestly, there aren't many people I'm friends with, also, Clarisse needs to train the demigods and make time for her boyfriend, the Stolls are not exactly my type.  Then, Thena doesn't have time for me cus apparently Zeus wants her to do some planning," Percy sniffled.

"Aww, come here. I understand, but do you really have to leave?  It is dangerous in the mortal world and I'm worried for your safety," Hestia frowned while hugging Percy.

"I mean, what's more fun than a little danger? I could just go back to the apartment Apollo gave me when I needed to go to school," Percy said, fishing out a still silver key from the backpack.

"Let's sit down first, and talk about your plans before you leave. I feel like I should know your plans, I don't want you trudging off into danger," Hestia said, sitting down with Percy by the edge of the bed.

"Well, I don't really have any plans. I just figured I should ask the Gray sisters to bring me to Apollo's apartment, then perhaps enroll in a school. I don't know, I feel like there's something else I can do... ooohhh, maybe a part-time job?" Percy rambled.

"Well, how do you plan on leaving without the night duty finding out?" Hestia asked.

Percy definitely did not think that through, "Oh yeah... I dunno," he shrugged.

"Not that I'm agreeing to your plan, but I'll help you out on that," Hestia said, "I'll wait for you until you finish packing and I'll transport you out."

"Really? Thank you very much, Aunt Hestia," Percy cheered, he hugged Hestia really hard, making Hestia chuckle.

Percy went back to packing, "" he put all of the stuff in the backpack he first got when he went to school.

"Aunt Hestia," Percy turned around.

"Hm?" she replied.

"Do you think I can apply for university at this age?" Percy asked.

"At 14? I think it is possible, but why don't you do it more traditionally and complete college first, so you won't miss out the fun," Hestia suggested.

"Good idea, what about school fees?" Percy asked.

"You can leave that to me," Hestia promised.

"Thank you!  I think I'm done packing now," Percy said with a big smile.

"Alright, I've covered your demigod scent, be safe," Hestia said, then, she transported Percy to the apartment in a column of fire.  Before Percy disappeared, he put a note on his table to tell everyone that he would be leaving.

I think I will do Perzoe, if anyone wants another ship, pls tell me.  Thx

Wisdom's arrow (PERZOE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora