Chapter 24

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"Artemis, mind telling me where Orion is?  I recently heard he was back," Poseidon asked his niece with a piercing glare.

"Huh, funny story uncle.  It involves your other son, Percy Jackson," Artemis chuckled awkwardly.

"What did you mean?" if Poseidon's glare wasn't piercing before, it definitely is now.

"Well, you see, Hercules and Orion were trying to violate me, so Percy helped me deal with them," Artemis said.

"What's your relationship with my son?" Poseidon asked sharply.

"Nothing, he was just passing by, that boy knew he had to help me," Artemis said, wincing as she spat 'boy'.

Poseidon nodded curtly, seeing as how Artemis was back to herself, he seemed convinced.  He flashed back to Atlantis, and Artemis breathed a sigh of relief.

'People are starting to get suspicious now, perhaps I should try to avoid him more' Artemis thought, but pressed down the nagging feeling and the sour feeling in the heart.


"Perce, guess what?" Luke said, running towards Percy who was eating blue pancakes.

"You got beaten by Clarisse again," Percy laughed.

"Did you really think poorly of me?" Luke pouted, before laughing along.

"Anyways, Annabeth and I got together," Luke exclaimed happily.

"Really?  Congrats man!" Percy said, a sad feeling in his heart, knowing nothing will be same again.

"Yep, I asked Annie while training today," Luke beamed happily.

"Nice, any plans to go on a date?" Percy asked.

"Not yet," Luke frowned.

"Why don't you two go to the beach tonight, I think it will be a lovely night.  I can ask Chiron to excuse you from the curfew just for tonight," Percy said.

"Really?  Thanks, dude," Luke grinned.  He then ran to the Athena cabin.  Percy watched his retreating figure sadly.  Sure, he had thought that Annabeth and Luke belonged together, but he hoped that this won't destroy the friendship they had built.

"Hey Perce," Phoebe said punching his shoulder.

"Damn, Phoebe, do you have to punch me so hard?" Percy asked, grinning.  He then tackled Phoebe to the floor.

"Hey!  In my defense, you looked sad and spaced out, didn't reply to me when I called you," Phoebe said, fliiping Percy over.

"Aww, come on.  A little shake would be fine," Percy said.  He wrapped his legs around Phoebe, trying to turn over.  Struggling a bit, he managed to flip her over and stood up.

"Damn, you are heavy," Percy said, dusting himself.

"Are you saying I am fat?" Phoebe said, mock-glaring at him.

"Uh, no," Percy said, paling.

"Then what did you say?" Phoebe asked, standing up.

"Nothing," Percy said quickly, trying to run away.  He didn't get far until Phoebe launched herself on him, tackling him on the ground and started to tickle him.  

"Phoe...Phoebe, I'm...I'm...sorry," Percy said, laughing very hard, struggling against Phoebe's grip.

(This is not a PhoebexPercy fan fic, chill guys)

Satisfied, Phoebe stood up and grinned happily.

"Come on, Phoebe, don't be so hard on me," Percy said.

"Really?  Calling a woman fat, who do you think you are?" Phoebe said smiling.

Percy looked at the setting sun and said, "Aww shucks, I've got to go to tell Chiron something.  Catch ya later, Pheebs," Percy waved goodbye as he ran towards the Big House.

A little farther in the woods, two silver orbs watch sadly as the two interact.  She knew she would regret this, but she wanted to ensure his safety.  She turned and went back into the cabin.

Please vote or comment what ships should I do

Choices are:


Luke dies x1


Single Percy


No one voted so I really hope you guys could help thank you very much.

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