Chapter 31

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"Artyyyyy!" Apollo yelled, flashing to the hunter's camp. He was walking along with a female, wearing a hoodie.

Artemis came out of her tent, frowning, "What?  And don't call me that."

"I got a special guest for you," Apollo smiled, gesturing to the female next to him.

"If it is your new girlfriend, I'm not meeting her," Artemis said, turning around to walk away.  Apollo pouted at her retreating figure.

"I can't believe you thought so lowly of me, mi'lady," Zoe said from under her hood.

Artemis froze and turned around.  She walked closer to Zoe, warily.  She slowly lifted the hood up, "Zoe?"

"In the flesh," Zoe smiled.

"Wha- how are you here?  And why is Apollo with you?" Artemis asked.   Glaring at Apollo, who held his hands up in a surrender motion.

"I was falling from the sky, Apollo appeared to be in his sun chariot.  Don't worry, I kicked him in the gut already," Zoe smiled.

"Glad you haven't changed a bit," Artemis smiled at her past lieutenant.

"About that..." Zoe rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

"What?" Artemis asked.

"Never mind, tell me about your current lieutenant, I'd love to meet her," Zoe said, covering up her hesitance with a smile.

"Oh, she's a great maiden.  Her name is Thalia Grace.  Turns out, she's my sister," Artemis said smiling.  She guided Zoe deeper into the camp, leaving Apollo all by himself.

"Soooo, imma leave now," Apollo said.  Receiving no response, he flashed away.

"Thalia, come meet Zoe Nightshade.  She's the past lieutenant.  I think you guys will be great friends," Artemis said smiling.

Thalia came running in their direction.  She slung her bow behind her back and stuck her hand out, "Nice to meet you.  I'm Thalia Grace."

"Zoe Nightshade," Zoe said smiling.

Suddenly, thunder rumbled in the sky, then a flash of lightning.  "Well girls, looks like I've got to go.   I'll be back whenever a council meeting ends," Artemis sighed.

"See ya, mi'lady," Thalia said.  

"See you, Lady Artemis," Zoe said.  Then, Artemis flashed into the throne room.  A giant screen of mist was displayed in the middle.  All of the Olympians had arrived before her.

In the mist screen, Gaea's face was displayed and Artemis wrinkled her face in disgust.  She looked around, her father had that paranoid look.  Athena was looking at the screen with her cold calculating grey eyes, Apollo seemed serious.  And serious does not go well with Apollo.  Hermes was staring at the Iris Message, Hera was looking at the mist but gripping Zeus' arm.  Poseidon showed a face of worry, Hephaestus was looking at it nervously, his face fidgeting with a few pieces of metal.  Ares and Aphrodite showed the slightest care and looked at it curiously.  Demeter was definitely not paying attention and seemed to be dozing off.  Dionysus, natually he was at the wretched camp.  Hestia was the most interesting one, her face was a mix of rage, worry and 

"Alright, is everyone here?" Gaea asked, a wicked grin on her face.

"Ok, well.  I've got something to show you people and some good news," Gaea said, receiving no response, and still having a nasty grin on her face.  She lifted her hand with a ring on it.

She beckoned for someone to walk near her, and well, the reactions were not pleasant.

But, give you three guesses who it was.

Congrats, you got it right- Percy.

She also lifted Percy's hand and along with the other rings, was the one Gaea put on him.

Athena gripped her armrest, Apollo's eyes were as big as Athena's owls.  Artemis, herself, was gripping her armrest and gritting her teeth.  Poseidon just slumped back into his chair.  The hearth was blazing furiously.  Zeus...  Ha, well Zeus was not the slightest pleased.

"WHAT THE HADES?  POSEIDON, I EXPECTED BETTER THAN THIS, YOUR SPAWN IS MARRYING OUR GRANDMOTHER?!" Ok, I've gotta be honest, that wasn't exactly what he said.  Be glad I've rephrased it that way, or else no filter could have saved you.  His wonderful choice of words were quite concerning.

"Now calm down, Zeus.  Let's hear our dear Percy talk," Gaea said.

"Ahem, yes right.  I'm very uhm glad to be marrying Gaea and I wish you all wouldn't ah mind," Percy said nervously, glancing sideways from time to time.

"What else, sweetie?" Gaea asked.

Percy is beyond terrified now, "I AM SO NOT GLAD, GET ME OUT OF HERE.  OWWW, ok.  I am really happy and hope for..."  Percy rubbed his finger where Gaea's ring was.  It was stinging him.

"Hope for what?" Gaea asked sweetly.

"I'm not saying it.  OWWW OK, OK, FINE.  Hope for future generations," Percy yelled.  Ok, now everyone is looking at him with worry.   You don't need to be Athena to figure out this was a forced marriage.

"GAEA, GIVE HIM BACK NOW," Poseidon roared.

"If you want to see him, you can see him at our wedding.  It is going to be scheduled two years later," Gaea smirked.

Soooo happy new year guys.  I'm gonna be having exams, so I might or might not update for a while.  But, just to inform you guys, Thalia and Zoe looks the same, I'm just a bit too lazy to describe their faces.  Anyways, what ya think about this chapter?

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