Chapter 4

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"Ata, Mom told me to come visit you until it is time to visit Thena," Percy said cutely.

"Really?" Atalanta asked, tending to a hunter.

"Mhm, she said I should learn some medicine, make a good impression on Lord Apollo," Percy replied, looking at all the herbs and medicine.

"Well come on.  I'll teach you the basics on how to make a Physician's Curse.  Now, I don't have the materials, but it is a must learn.  To make one, you will need Polysian Mint, the heartbeat of the chained god and the curse of Delos," Atalanta said half-heartedly, while mixing a solution for the hurt hunter.

"Who is the chained god?" Percy asked.

"That, you will have to figure out, young one," Atalanta said, ruffling his hair, Percy seemed mad.

"Ata, what time is it now?" Percy asked.

Atalanta took one look out of the infirmary tent and saw the sun, "About three in the afternoon, why?"

"I've got to visit Thena, remember?" Percy reminded her.

"Oh, right.  Who's going to bring you to Lady Athena's palace?" Atalanta asked.

"Prolly Mom, or Zoe.  But I kinda don't wanna walk there," Percy mumbled.

"Well, see you tonight then," Atalanta said, waving goodbye to the young boy and he ran back to his mom's tent.

"Mooooom, I'm going to be late," Percy whined as he barged into Artemis' tent.

"Remember to knock next time," Artemis said.

"Ok, but we are going to be late," Percy said.

"Zoe will be bringing you today, I have some important business to attend to," Artemis said.

"Awwww, but I don't want to walk there," Percy protested.

"You've got to do some exercise if you want to be good at hunting," Artemis said.

"Fine, but promise me you are going to flash me there next time," Percy said with baby seal eyes.

"Alright, who can say no to those eyes.  I promise you," Artemis said chuckling.

Percy ran out of the tent and went to find Zoe training with Phoebe, "Hey Perce," said the daughter of Ares.

"Hey Phoebe, Mom said that Zoe will bring me to Olympus again," Percy said.

"Alright, give me a second and I'll be right back," Zoe said, setting down her bow.  Leaving the scene, with Phoebe and Percy in the training area alone.

"Phoebe, I can shoot the target now," Percy said proudly.

"Really?" Phoebe asked.

"Yep," Percy replied.  He went to the armoury and got a bow and an arrow, he carefully aimed it at the target, pulled the string back and- twang, the arrow hit the target.

"Nice job, Perce," Phoebe said.

"I agree, thy aiming is better," Zoe said, suddenly emerged from her tent wearing a new uniform.

"Uh oh, Zoe, your old English is coming back," Percy said chuckling.

"Come one, we should get going now," Zoe said as she took her bow and quiver, swung behind her back.  Percy followed close next to her.

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