Chapter 37: The Controller

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Crashing to the ground, Aliza gazed upward only to be met with a sudden blow to her face from the butt of a rifle. The goggles she wore shattered, fragments of glass embedding themselves in her face. As her vision blurred and consciousness wavered, she grappled to maintain awareness amidst the disorienting assault. Flipping herself over she breathed in and out as she felt another blow to the back of her head followed by her vision fading black.

Aliza's eyes flickered open as she looked around, her eyes widened as she noticed she was in danger. Strapped to a board with blinding flood lights illuminating her predicament, she cautiously surveyed her surroundings. She kept her eyes only slightly open trying to see her surroundings, "Name," A person using a voice changer spoke.

Aliza spat, "Go fuck yourself."

"Got it, Miss Yousef, then," the voice changer boomed, "Where are you from."

Aliza grinned, still somewhat disorientated. Her whole body ached as she lay there on the board, acting on instinct, "Your mother's house."

The voice spoke, "The Yorm Others House? Where is that? In hell?"

Aliza laughed, "Speakers not working over there or something?"

There was a pause as the voice next spoke, "This is not a joke, Yousef."

Aliza was laughing, "Even having me tied up you are this incompetent." She shook her head, "But I'll give it to you, you did get slightly better. Especially with your questions."

The voice spoke, "Fine then, the hard way."

Several thousand volts opened up on all sides of her. Coursing through her veins she didn't cry as it was all absorbed into her shoulder. The Warriors symbol started to light up. Suddenly a shockwave blasted out of her, destroying the board that was holding her. She fell to the ground, landing on one knee as Sevens' grey form appeared next to her, "Good work, we need to get out of here."

Aliza looked up, "This isn't you?"

Sevo shook her head, "Our portal was trapped, they were waiting. Fucking bastards somehow hacked us. They're being backed by someone powerful. At least a tier ten Angel."

Aliza nodded, standing, "Still have no idea what your tiers mean but, any ideas who it is?"

She walked to a wall as Sevens stood next to her, "It's likely someone in Heaven is watching Lewis's organisation carefully, and is targeting you... I'd say this is the work of the upper ranks." Sevens placed her hand on the wall as it exploded.

Aliza sprinted through, delivering a swift kick to the first agent before slashing the second, drawing blood. She sank her teeth into another's face, crushing it between her jaws before tossing the lifeless body aside. Her claws swiftly opened, unleashing a flurry of blows upon the remaining agents. Bolting down the corridor, she kicked off its walls and dove into a nearby room, sealing the door behind her. The sound of bullets ricocheting off the door echoed as she continued down the corridor, urgently calling out, "Sevens, I need a way out." She tapped her broken wrist pad, adding, "A teleport wouldn't be unwelcome."

Sevens nodded, "Yep, though I'm currently trapped here, I can't communicate with the Battle Net. This place has some real tech. Jammers galore." She paused, "It's really impressive, even relegating our systems to this. However..." The screens paused, "I have a map."

Aliza looked around, kicking out a camera she stopped, "If we can break their network we might be able to open a gap for a signal." She paused, "Or a power room would work."

Sevens nodded, "I'm activating your advanced HUD."

Aliza nodded before her head flicked around to look at Sevens, "My what?"

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