Chapter 1: A New Start After A Bloody End

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Lewis Alpin found himself plummeting through the air, his body tumbling end over end as he hurtled towards the ground. Instinctive panic gripped him as he frantically tried to regain control, but it was too late.

He hit the ground hard, his body jarring as he landed inside a large bin. Dazed and disoriented, he clutched his head in pain and let out a string of expletives. As he sat up, he looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings. Memories started flooding back to him, and he began to recall the events that led him here. He remembered a sharp pain in his neck. He felt cold teeth sinking into his flesh, and a sickening crunch as his windpipe was crushed. He remembered reacting quickly, he pulled out a gun and fired twice, sending the four legged attacker whimpering to the ground. But there was no time to relax, as two more creatures appeared around the corner, their razor-sharp teeth bared and ready to attack. They pounced on him, tearing at his flesh and ripping him apart piece by piece. As his vision began to fade and darkness crept in, Lewis found himself laughing bitterly. He knew he was dying, and the thought of it amused him in a twisted way.

"Welcome to hell," he muttered to himself. But his thoughts were interrupted by a strange sensation on his face. 

He rubbed his cheek and felt something hard and pointed - a fang. Astonished, he ran his fingers over it and discovered another one on the other side of his face. Confused, he fished out a small mirror from his pouch and looked at his reflection. What he saw shocked him to the core - his skin was dark red, and his eyes glowed with an intense red light. But the most terrifying thing of all was the huge silver fangs jutting out from the sides of his mouth.

As Lewis climbed out of the bin, his heart rate started to slow. He was cautious as he tested the ground, making sure it was stable. He then scanned his gear, his pistol was gone and his rifle was nowhere to be found. His heart sank, he must have lost them in the heat of the battle. But as he reached for his blade, he noticed that it felt different somehow. It looked sharper and more menacing than before, but he still felt a sense of familiarity as he drew it and inspected the edge.

As he continued to check his gear, he noticed a gas mask that he didn't recognize. It was a different shape from his usual one, but as he put it on, he was surprised at how perfectly it fit his face. The mask was tight yet comfortable, and as he breathed in and out, he realized that it was functioning perfectly.

But then he heard a voice, a deep and masculine voice that was unlike anything he had ever heard before. He turned to face the speaker, freezing momentarily as he stared at the creature before him. Its face was oddly shaped, with teeth that were sharp and menacing like those of a shark. Its eyes glowed in the dark, emitting a strange red and yellow light that seemed almost hypnotic. As the creature stepped further into the light, Lewis could see shiny scales bouncing off the light, and its tongue rattling in its mouth as it spoke.

Then two more figures stepped out of the shadows, their heads oddly elongated and shaped like hats, with white scars etched into their faces. They were small, no taller than four feet, but they held knives that gleamed menacingly in the dim light.

Lewis spoke up, trying to keep his cool, "I thought this was hell, not Southwark."

The first figure chuckled, seemingly amused by Lewis's boldness, "Oh, this one's got a mouth on him."

Still wearing the gas mask, Lewis watched and listened carefully, trying to anticipate any moves that the creatures might make. Suddenly, he saw a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye. It was a feminine figure with short hair, moving with incredible speed and agility. He darted backwards as she landed where he once stood, smashing into the ground with a thunderous impact. She had one huge red eye square in the centre of her face, and her skin was a sickly shade of pink.

Darting backwards, Lewis engaged with the strange creature, booting her in the face with limited force. To his surprise, she was knocked out in one blow, "That wasn't even that hard..." he muttered to himself.

The front reptilian then dived at him, claws extended, but Lewis was quick on his feet, dodging left and right as the claws missed him by inches. Suddenly, the reptilian went for a thrust with his knife. Lewis seized the opportunity and pushed the blade to the side with his palm, following up with a blow to the face that sent the creature staggering backwards. Lewis then grabbed the reptilian by the collar, twisting him around and catching him in a headlock that choked him until he dropped the knife.

As he let the reptilian go, Lewis stood there.

"Leave," he growled, his voice low and menacing.

The reptilian stood up, clearly shocked by Lewis's strength and determination. He pulled something out of his pocket - a gun - and aimed at Lewis. Lewis was quick to react, dodging the first two shots before the gun suddenly jammed. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Lewis grabbed the pistol from the reptilian's hand before charging forward with all his might. He felt his veins pulsating with adrenaline as he brought his full force down on the demon. First, he noticed his hand create a shockwave hitting the enemy before he even made contact.

The force of the explosion had been tremendous. The enemy, caught in the centre of the blast, had been flung through the air like a ragdoll. Several buildings had been levelled in the process, the sound of the impact echoing through the streets. As the smoke began to clear, Lewis could see the devastating aftermath. The enemy's skin had been ripped off, leaving behind a gruesome trail of flesh and bone. The other monsters behind him had been annihilated, leaving nothing but trails of smoke rising into the air. Despite the destruction, Lewis couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. This was the kind of battle he lived for. As he shook his hand, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins, he couldn't help but grin.

"Well, this is gonna be fun," he said, his voice laced with excitement. But his triumph was short-lived. As he turned back, he heard the sound of loud footsteps. Expecting to have to fight again, he took a fighting stance. But when he looked around, there was no one there. The feminine cyclops from earlier was gone, vanished into thin air. 

Lewis knelt, surveying the wreckage around him. "The body's gone," he muttered to himself, "It should have been protected from the punch, like everything else."

As he looked at the obliterated scenery, he noticed the scorched walls releasing charred particles into the sky, followed by large flames beginning to form. He let out a low whistle and walked away. Navigating through the labyrinth of alleyways, Lewis cracked his neck as he turned a corner. Emerging onto what seemed to be a futuristic high street, he was greeted by the sight of a crimson sky. The contrast of the fiery sky against the sleek architecture was breath taking, and Lewis couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. Despite the destruction he had just witnessed, he couldn't deny that this was a world unlike any other he had ever seen.

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