
'This is not the first time she annoyed me too. If you can't do a stupid surgery, then at least pretend to practice.' Mo Yeon says as she shoves her used scrub and cap into the bin, you undoing your own scrub and putting it into the blue bin next to you.

'I can't believe she's trying for a professor position with that stupidity.' You comment, both of you walking to the bathroom to refresh yourself after the mess of Kim Eunji. 

'She failed National Medical Exam three times and her Major also three times.' Mo Yeon says as she brushes her hair out, you doing the same before tying it again. 

'No, four times.' You say, Mo Yeon's mouth opening wide. 

'Four? How did she even get here.' She asks, although you both know the answer already.

'Because of my stupid half-brother.' You reply, knowing that Kim Eunji's connection to Haesung's higher-ups including the hospital director, Han Seok Won, conveniently being your half-brother. 

'Ya!' You both turn, seeing Kim Eunji pop up from the stall behind you, pushing you both aside as she washes her hand. 

'How did your interview go yesterday?' She asks Mo Yeon as she fixes her earring, and you remember the disaster of sitting on the panel for judging research papers as both Haesung's managing director and professor in Emergency Medicine. Thankfully, you were not a judge for interviews, which would have been awkward to face your colleagues as a judge. 

 'Why? You failed? I think I did well because all the questions I prepared came up.' Mo Yeon replies, Kim Eunji smirks as she pushes her aside to take some paper towels from the wall. 

'They didn't even ask anything for me.' She says, drying her hands. 

'That means you're not even worth asking questions about.' Mo Yeon says, Kim Eunji only steps closer to her to look down with her massive heels. 

'I don't care. Society cares more about connections than skills.' She replies, sticking her tongue out and walking out of the bathroom. You stare at her back, Mo Yeon giving her a side eye before she looks towards you. 

'Ya, I stood up for you. At least for the medical papers part. But you know I have no power here. Yet.' You say to her angry expression, recalling the meeting for the judges the other day for research papers. Long story short, nobody listened to you by saying even if Mo Yeon's paper was better than everyone else's, they couldn't promote her because of connections. And even tried to turn their own crimes against you, for saying that you were using your friendship with Mo Yeon to recommend her for the Professor in Thoracic Surgery position. 

It was incredibly frustrating for you too, you were only the managing director of the Haesung group on the surface, and nobody treated you as so since the power was weighed on the Chairman, your father, and Han Seok Won. Your half-brother and his mother O Min Jung indeed hated your guts since you were a child. After you fled to the US, it was almost fixed amongst the Haesung's higher-ups that Han Seok Won to be the next heir to the Haesung group. Until now, you returned to Korea. 

[2 days ago]

'Clearly, Dr. Kang's paper is the most fitting and includes the most up-to-date findings of the medical field. The others, are either cherry-picking the evidence, using outdated sources, or not even getting simple statistics interpreted wrong. These are mistakes that not even interns know not to make. And you really suggest that we put them as Professors at Haesung?' You say to the other panels, the old men only rubbing their temples at your comment. 

[DOTS Y/n x Shi Jin] Always Beside YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz