❁Chapter 1 ❁

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Mad Hatter
By Melanie Martinez
01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:30
ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
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This story was inspired by core_eeh story called "Behind his mask" it's an amazing story so you should go read it :D

Neptune didn't really feel normal today, he felt a strong feeling in his chest that didn't feel right. He tried to find Uranus to talk to him about this feeling but he was no where to be seen which is odd since he is usually the one missing. He sighed sadly and went into the kuiper belt to find his friend, once he got there, he went into the area of asteroids that had painted faced on them and went to find his friend. He was humming happily but tripped on something, it was a broken astreriod, he didn't know if it was an astreriod with a face or a normal one but he didn't care and walked away.

He couldn't find his favourite astreriod so he started to feel worried, "Guillermo! Where are you..?" He shouted, "What are ya looking for?" He heard a voice said, he turned around and saw Uranus walking towards him with his arms crossed, "Uranus! I was going to find you but couldn't so I went to find Guillermo but I can't find him either.." Neptune whined sadly, Uranus just looked at him and sighed, pitching the top of his nose, "I was in my orbit Neptune..you could've checked there." He said, Neptune tilted his head and hummed, "Ohhh! I guess I didn't check." He giggled happily, Uranus rolled his eyes and floated over to him, "How about we go find your friend mate." He smiled warmly, Neptune nodded and grabbed his hand.

Uranus felt a weird cold breeze coming from Neptune, he knew Neptune was a cold planet but it just didn't feel right, it felt like a warm but really cold feeling, "Are you okay?" He asked Neptune, Neptune stopped, he didn't face him but just stood there, Uranus sighed, "I don't know." Neptune quiet replied, Uranus jumped and made a shivering noise, "Just forget about it. It's mostly likely nothing." Neptune hummed, looking back at him with dark blue eyes. Uranuse felt uncomfortable with that response but just ignored it and they kept going.

Neptune sighed, he hummed when he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around and saw Uranus, "You need something..?" He asked nicely, Uranus looked at him, confused, and shook his head, "I didn't touch you.?" He hummed, Neptune jumped slightly and looked around, "Then..what touched me?" He whispered, Neptune shivered and shook his head, "I can't seem to find Guillermo!" He whined sadly, Uranus laughed and grabbed some blue paint and a brush from his pocket, "How about we make a new one. Together." Uranus smiled, his cheeks redden, Neptune's cheeks also redden and smile, "Uh sure.." They both went to get an astreriod and came back, "Do you just keep paints on you at all times?" Neptune giggled, "Yeah sometimes. I like painting astreriods when I'm bored." Uranus chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head.

They both started painting but Neptune kept feeling a ghostly presence and it kept making him shiver which Uranus noticed and looked up at him, "You okay?" He asked worriedly, Neptune stopped shivering and gave him a forced smile, "Y-Yeah..I'm fine..It's just..cold." Neptune lied, "You're made out of icy water. You're a cold ass planet.." Uranus tilted his head and raised an eyebrow, Neptune gulped and just ignored him, "Don't ignore me mate! I'm just trying to help you.." Uranus huffed, "I don't want your help..!" Neptune grunted, Uranus jumped and looked sadly at him.

The silence was awkward, Neptune stopped painting the asteroid, and just looked at it, "I'm going for a little while Uranus.." He sighed sadly, Uranus nodded and let of his asteroid, "J-Just know..if you need something..I'm here for you." Uranus smiled, Neptune turned his head and glared darkly at him. Uranus felt shivers go now his spine as he watch Neptune float away. Saturn came up behind him and hummed, "He seems odd." He said, Uranus jumped then looked up at him, "Oh..it's you..yeah he is acting really strange. He tells me everything but lately he's been..really distant." Uranus vented, Saturn hummed. He sighed and gave Uranus a little hug, "I'm sure he's okay." He whispered gently, Uranus grabbed his arms and sighed.

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