Chapter 19: Finally Free (Final)

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No One Pov:

A day past after Adrien ran away. People at his school thought he must be sick or something. After that fight Gabriel didn't check on adrien not realizing he missing from his room.

The police didn't do anything at first, thinking it was some joke but when videos started to appear about what was happening behind close doors of the Agreste, they had no choice but to step in.

News got around fast and people realize Adrien is missing. Gabriel was arrested and when they found Nathalie on a bed not responding. They ended up taking her to the hospital. When Nathalie finally woke up, she explained everything that been happening in the Agreste home and even told them that Gabriel is hawkmoth.

Adrien Pov:

After news got out, everyone seem to be looking for me but I was smart to hide my face whenever I was out. I been living in this abandon building for three days now and I think its time to visit Luka.

Luka Pov:

I was worry sick about Adrien. I knee something was wrong but I didn't stop him. I just let him go and now he gone.

I tried to play my Guitar but the music wasn't coming out right and I just stop.

While sitting on my bed, I heard someone tapping on my window. I look up to see Chat Noir there. I Instantly open my window and pull him into a hug as tears started to stream down my face.

Chat Noir: Woah hey there my little rockstar what's wrong?

I couldn't Answer him and just kept on holding him. Chat Noir just ended up taking me to my bed and we just sat there for a while as I didn't let go.

Chat Noir: Luka what's wrong?

Luka: I *sniff* I though I wouldn't be able to see you again.

Chat Noir: Why you said that?

Luka: Because you ran away Adrien.

Chat Noir: Wait you knew?

Luka: *Nodded*

Chat Noir: How long?

Luka: Almost a year. Didn't want to tell you though because there was no point. You knew if you needed anything you could of came to me. Why didn't you-

Chat Noir: Shh its ok. I'm ok. I just came here to ask you of someone is all

Luka: What is that?

That is where he explain to me everything and pull out his ring. I decided I would hold onto the ring for him as he said he needs time to himself.

Luka: You just need time huh

Chat Noir: Yes and I promise that after I get KY mind straight then I will return.

Luka: You better

I didn't know why but I just kiss him then and there. I could tell he was shock I mean I was shock that I did it but when I was about to say sorry, he just pull me back into a kiss. That day he promise after his little break, he would return.

Its been two months when Adrien return. Everyone was so happy to see him and he is now living at Nino place. It took some time but Adrien and I ended up getting together and it was on of the best things that could happen. Adrien was finally free from his father and now is able to do things that he loves doing.

His father ended up getting life in jail bit the sad part was Nathalie ended up pasting away at the hospital. Adrien was more broken but all his friend and I were right by his side.

When adrien hits the age of eighteenth he will be getting everything that was under his father name but right now he doesn't care about that.

Adrien and I are going on are first ever date and we are both excited to see what life will take us from here.

Edit: Forgot to put this in.

No One Pov:

During the time Adrien was gone, Lila ended up going to jail thanks to Luka and his father. Adrien explain what was going on with Lila and him so Luka ask his father for help. He higher private detectives and they found more then just Lila touching Adrien when he told her multiple times too stop.

When Adrien finally return to school, Marinette ended up apologizing to him. Adrien did forgive her but its going to take some time for him to trust her again.

Hidden Behind a SmileOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora