Chapter 16: She Here

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Adrein Pov:

The next day came. Nathalie who is sadly still ill was able to help me a lot last night. Of course I am still in pain but there isn't much I can do. I headed to school to see Nino waiting for me.

Adrien: Hi Nino

Nino: Hi Adrien

We headed to class and I couldn't help but notice how worry Marinette looks. Alya seem to be trying her best to cheer her friend up but it wasn't working.

When she turn and look at me, I couldn't help but notice her blush but then got more worry.

Adrien Mind: What up with her? Wait that right Luka said he would talk to her. Maybe that why she looks worry.

Mrs. Bustier: Alright class settle down. We have a student that will be joining us.

Then Lila step in and act like she own the place. She started spreading her lies when people ask where she was and whenever she gotten the chance, she would look at me. I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable around her but what can I do.

When Lunch came around Nino, Alya, Marinette and I all were sitting at the same table.

Alya: So Marinette I couldn't help but notice how worry you been looking. Are you still worry about Lila?

Marinette: Yes but there something else that I'm worry about.

Nino: And what would that be?

Marinette: Oh umm its personal and I really don't want to talk about it.

Before anyone could say anything else though Lila came out from behind me and started to hug me.

Lila: Adrein its great to see you

Adrien: Oh umm H-hey Lila

Lila: Oh Adrien you don't need to be so nervous around me after all we are friends right?

She then hold me tighter which made me really uncomfortable.

Marinette: Hey Lila its been a while.

Lila: Oh hi Marinette how are you?

Adrien: Umm I Lila can you get off of me please I have to use the bathroom.

Lila: Oh sorry Adreinkins hey after your done there why don't I walk with you to your next class.

Adrien: Oh I'm sorry Lila but I think I will be in the bathroom for a while now so I got to go. Its great to see you.

I then ran to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall. I was breathing hard as Plagg came out and tried to calm me down. After a while of calming down plagg started to talk to me.

Plagg: Adrien are you alright?

Adrien: Yeah I'm ok it just the way she was touching me was making me uncomfortable is all. I juts needed to get out of there

Plagg: Oh ok

*Bells Rings*

Adrien: Come on plagg lets go to class. I don't want to be late.

Plagg then. Hid in his hiding spot and I put on my fake smile and walk back to class.

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