Chapter 13: The Park

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Adrien Pov:

After the akuma attack, I turn back to normal and gave plagg his cheese.

Plagg: Adrien when are you going to hear ladybug out? You guys are a team and you two should work together.

Adrien: I don't know. I don't want to forgive her plagg. She not only broke my heart but she also hurt me a lot.

Plagg: I didn't say you should forgive her. I'm saying you two should work something out or else this maynot just effect you two. You guys are supposed to be partners and if you guys don't start working together like in the past. Something bad may happen like people getting hurt or worse hawkmoth winning.

Adrien: Hawkmoth isn't going to win but I guess your right. *sigh* I just hard. Whenever I see her all I feel is pain. I just, I don't know what to do.

Plagg and I ended up walking to the park when I notice Luka playing his guitar. Plagg hid away somewhere as he look up at me and gave me a huge smile.

Luka: Hey Adrien

Adrien: Luka? What are you doing here?

Luka: I needed some alone time away from my family.

Adrien: I get that in a way.

Luka: What wrong?

Adrien: What do you mean?

Luka: Well your inner music sounds like this

He then play a sad tone on his guitar.

Luka: It should would like this.

He then play a happy tone before stopping and looking up at me.

Adrien Mind: I can't tell him about the ladybug thing as least not right now when I am in my citizen cloths. But I can talk about another problem I am having.

Adrien: It just umm I found out a few days ago a friend of mine is a stalker.

Luka: May I ask who this friend is?

Adrien: Its Marinette

Luka: Marinette have been stalking you?

Adrien: Yeah at first I thought it was nothing but when the days started to past I notice how creepy its been getting. I don't know what to do.

Luka: May I ask what she as done so far?

Adrien: Well she has photos of me in her room. I thought it was nothing but apparently there cover in hearts and some of those photos were taken from behind building and inside busses. Then there the time she took my phone just to erase a voice message of her confessing. She also knows my whole schedule and where I would be. It just to much. I don't want to lose her as a friend but at the same time if she keeps this up I don't know what will happen.

Luka look at me in shock before anger a little bit.

Luka: She been doing this to you? Do you know how long?

Adrien: Apply she been doing it since I started going to this school. I didn't find out about it until a few days ago when my friend Nino told me about it.

Luka: Have you told your dad?

Adrien: He doesn't care about me. He only cares about his image and money.

Luka: I see well if you ever need someone you can come to me alright. I can go talk to her about this for you if you like and tell her to stop.

Adrien: I would like that. I don't want to lose Marinette as a friend because she has a crush on me but its getting weird.

Luka: I say she has more then a crush on you Adren. It sounds like she has an obsession of you. You better be careful around her for now on. I would say Marinette would never do those things to you but thinking about it she did act a little weird when we were dating.

Adrien: Oh yeah you did date her for a little bit. How was it like?

Luka: Well I love her but she didn't love me. She was trying to move on from you but it didn't work. When you were around, she would act all I have a crush on you type thing even though I was her boyfriend. After a while it just became to much. She was pretty much using me to move on from you.

Adrien: That got to suck. I'm so sorry

Luka: You have nothing to apologize for Adrien. It wasn't your fault.

That is when I heard my phone go off. I grab my phone and look at it to see an angry text from my father. He was asking me where I was and that I am in huge trouble.

Adrien Mind: I'm getting it now.

Luka: Adrien are you ok? You look kind of scared.

Adrien: I'm fine I just need to head home is all. Bye Luka

Luka: Adrien wait. Is something going on at home that you haven't told anyone about?

Adrien Mind: What!? How did he-

Luka: Adrien?

Adrien: I'm umm fine Luka. I need to go bye

With that I ran out of the park before texting Nathalie my location. I knew when I get home, I am in the pain of my life.

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