Chapter 3: The Truth About Marinette

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Adrien Pov:

I got a text back from my father during class time and saw he said no about me hanging out with Marinette as I had a photo shoot to go to.

Adrien Mind: Oh I forgot about that

*Bell Rings*

Mrs. Bustier: Remember to look at page 76 in your text books for homework.

As I get up to leave Nino grab my arm and pull me away from everyone else.

Adrien: Nino what was that for?

Nino: I'm sorry but I really need to tell you something. Its about Marinette.

Adrien: Ok?

Nino: so I this for a while now but marinette had a crush on you

Adrien: Marinette has a crush on me? I'm sorry Nino but marinette is my friend and I don't think she like me that way. Besides I don't like her in that way if it was even true.

Nino: Well it is true and for a while now Alya and I have been trying to help her be with you but things are getting out of hand.

Adrien: What do you mean?

Nino: When I started helping Alya out with her plans on getting marinette to confess to you, I thought that she had a small crush on you.

Adrien: Ok? Look Nino if your trying to make me ask her out, its not going to work. I don't have romantic feeling for her.

Nino: I know that now but that the thing, I thought that she had a small crush on you but its bigger than that. Its a problem.

Adrien: How is someone having a small crush on me a big problem? I can just tell her I don't feel the same way and we can just go back being friends.

Nino: That not how it work Adrien. At least I don't think that how it works with marinette. She a full grown stalker.

Adrien: Nino I think your putting to much thought on this. Marinette isn't a stalker. She doesn't seem the stalker type and she really kind to others.

Nino: Dude do you know how she acts around you?

Adrien: Yes? She shy and seem to be always nervous but that could be because she has a crush on me.

Nino: Dude she has photos of you in her room and on her wall.

Adrien: Nino she a fashion designer and so what? I'm a model after all so I don't really find that weird.

Nino: Its way more than that Adrien. She has hearts all over your pictures and some of those photos aren't even from you being a model.

Adrien: So she has a few pictures of me with someone of are other classmates, that not a big issue.

Nino: No some of these pictures seem to be taken form behind a building or through busses. Not only that but there all over the place.

Adrien: But I visit her room multiple times and I didn't see any of those pictures of me.

Nino: That because she hides them when she hears someone is coming over.

I didn't want to believe him I mean marinette is a stalker? She so kind and sure she may act weird from time to time but everyone acts weird from time to time. The only reason why I am starting to believe it is because the way Nino is looking and talking to me. I don't even have the words to say anything.

Nino: Not only that but my girlfriend Alya told me that a long while back she accidentally left you a voicemail about her love to you and she panic. She apply found a way to get your phone and delete it before you even saw it.

Adrien: So that why my phone went missing that day. I was so sure I left it in my locker and not my bag. She must of stolen it and somehow guess my password to delete the voicemail. Was there anything else you heard?

Nino: I heard she has gifts for you in a drawer somewhere for your futures birthdays. Sure that doesn't found that weird but apply she has multiple gifts for each birthday your going to have over the years. Not only that but she somehow knows your schedule. She knows where your going to do your photo shoots or if you have a special event going on.

Adrien: That explains why she been there or around the area when I am doing a photo shoot. I just thought it was all a coincidence.

Nino: That not even the half of it.

Adrien: There more?

Nino: Yes Alya have told me some of her plans they did together so marinette can be alone with you. There were the harmless ones where to make sure no one is around you to actually making delays on certain things so you can stay longer in one place at a time.

Adrien: When did this even all started? I mean how long did she had a crush on me?

Nino: The day you gave her your umbrella. Alya said she just fell for you after that day.

Adrien: That why she didn't give it back.

Nino: I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner. If I did I could of-

Before Nino or I could talk more, marinette appear out of nowhere with a smile on her face

Marinette: Hey Nino. H-hi Adrien how do you do- I mean how are you.

Adrian: Umm.

Nino: We been good marinette how are you and what are you doing here?

Marinette: I'm good just Adrian agree to hang out with me after school is all.

Adrian: Oh umm marinette my father told me I can't stay after school because of a photo shoots.

Marinette Mumbles: I forgot you had to do that today.

I know marinette didn't mean for me to hear that but I did and I just knew Nino was telling the truth.

Marinette: Ok why don't we umm walk together then?

Adrian: We can't Nathalie is going to pick me up which reminds me I have to go. Bye

I left soon after. I ran to the car before getting in. Nathalie turn to me with a worry look.

Nathalie: You ok?

Adrien: Yeah just found out somethings about one of my friends is all. Can we go?

Nathalie: Of course

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