Chapter 15: Talking

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Adrein Pov:

When I finally woke up I notice I was on my bed with Bandages rap around me. When Nathalie saw that I was awake, she let out a sigh of relief.

Nathalie: Adrein thank goodness your alright.

Adrein: Nathalie what happen?

Nathalie: That what I want to know. I found you on the floor beaten and unconscious. What happen?

Adrein: Oh you know how father is sometimes.

Nathalie: Wait Gabriel did this to you? He did this to his own son.

Adrein: Wait you didn't know?

Nathalie: I had a feeling something was going on but I wasn't so sure. I know how Gabriel could be sometimes but I didn't think he would- This is just to far. I'm so sorry I didn't notice it sooner.

Adrein: Its fine Nathalie. Its not like you can do anything about it.

Nathalie: But its not Fin- *cough*

Adrein: Nathalie are you ok?

Nathalie: *cough* I should be fine after some rest.

I couldn't help but notice the signs and how weak Nathalie have been getting as a lately. I couldn't help but notice how similar her symptoms are to my mother illness before she died.

Adrein: Please don't lie to me. Are you getting better?

Nathalie: *sigh* sadly I am not

Adrein: Then you should rest and save your energy when you need it. I don't want to loose you like I lost my mom.

Nathalie: Adrien look at me, I'm not going to die anytime soon at least I hope I don't. I want to help you and I will help you. I just wish I knew sooner or just did something about this.

Adrien: Its ok Nathalie. It wasn't your fault.

Nathalie: I don't care if its my fault or not. I promise your mother that I will look after you and I fail for that I am sorry Adrien but for now on I will try my hardest to help you no matter what happens.

I then pull Nathalie into a hug as I started to cry. As she try her best to comfort me.

Luka Pov:

When I finally got ready I felt my boat house and headed to the park. I had texted Marinette saying I need to talk to her about something.

When I got there, I saw Marinette waiting for me.

Marinette: Oh hey Luka what's up?

Luka: Marinette I need to talk to you about something and it's kind of serious.

Marinette: Ok? What is it?

Luka: Why have you been stalking adrien?

Marinette: WHAT!?  I would never do such a thing.

Luka: Ok then why do you have photos of him in your room and I mean the photos that seem to be taken behind building or behind bushes.

Marinette: How did you-

Luka: Or how you know his schedule.

Marinette: Well I-

Luka: Oh how you took his phone to just erase a message you left for him.

Marinette: First of all how do you know all of those things? Have you been stalking me or something?

Luka: No I haven't. Someone told me and by the way you been acting after I told you these things, I now know this person wasn't lying. So why Marinette? Why have you been stalking adrien?

Marinette: I haven't been stalking him. It just I know him better then he know himself and the phone thing was just me fixing a mistake I did. Your not going to tell adrien or else I will make sure your life goes down hill.

Luka Mind: Good thing I been recoding this.

Luka: I don't need to tell him anything because I'm sure he already knows. I'm just going to tell you is that you should stop now or else you might loose him forever.

Marinette: Adrien doesn't know ok. If he did, he would of say something about it to me. Also I don't think he would believe you after all you guys don't really hang out with each other that much.

Luka Mind: I can't believe she a stalker.

Luka: Look I don't want any trouble. I'm just here to give you a warning is all. If he finds out then its not my fault he stop being friends with you.

That is when I heard a beep from my phone. When I look down I saw it was a text from my sister asking where am I.

Luka: Look I have to go Marinette but just remember you need to stop when your ahead or else you may loose something important.

With that I walk away. I just hope after this she will stop doing this because I can tell Adrien doesn't want to loose her as a friend even though friends don't stalk each other.

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