Chapter 18: Running Away

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Adrien Pov:

The next day roll around around and I was getting ready for school when my father call me down. I let out a sigh before going down stairs to see what he wants.

Gabriel: Adrien I got a call from the school yesterday and heard Lila hurt you. Is this true?

Adrien: It is true father.

Gabriel: I see well I am very disappointed in you adrien. I bet whatever she did, you deserve it which is my this weekend you are going on a date with her.

Adrien: What but father-

He slap me hard making me fall to the ground.

Gabriel: You better not be talking back to me after all I did for you. After you took the love of my life away and you still want to act like this. Your to spoil maybe I should punish you.

I didn't say anything because I knew if I did, I would make things worse.

Gabriel: Go up stares you are staying here for now on. I am going to pull you out of your so call school.

Adrien: Father you can't do that.

When I look up into his eyes, all I saw was anger and I knee I mess up. He started to beat me until my lower body was nothing but black and blue. After he finish, he left and I couldn't help but cry.

I slowly got up and headed to Nathalie room where she was in bed. She didn't seem to be getting better and if I ended up losing her then I don't know what I can do.

Nathalie: Adrien? What did he do this time?

Adrien: He abuse me again but now he taking me out of school and forcing me to date a girl I hate. I don't know what to do anymore.

Nathalie: I am so sorry you are going through that right now *cough* but you need to leave.

Adrien: What!?

Nathalie: In my purse there is an ATM card where you can access my saving. I save a lot of money just in case your mother needed to get away from that man *cough*

Adrien: Nathalie what do you mean?

Nathalie: I don't have much time.but I think you should know the whole story before you leave. When your mother was still alive, she always wanted a child but she couldn't have one so she created one. She use the Peacock miraculous to make you.

Adrien: What does that mean I am a semimonster!?

Nathalie: No your not like those other things because you are Special reason why I need to give you this now.

She then handed me a ring and something else. It was the Peacock miraculous. One of the missing miraculous.

Nathalie: After your mother use it to create you, she also created a child for her sister.

Adrien: That means Felix is also a-

Nathalie: Yes he is. That why you two look the same. Anyways after she use that power, she got really sick. Your not suppose to use a damage miraculous and in doing so she died.

Adrien: That why father always said I kill mom

Nathalie: Well he wrong. *Cough*

Adrien: Is that why your sick too? You use the Peacock miraculous!?

Nathalie: I did

Adrien: Why?

Nathalie: Your father isn't who he said he is. He the man that start this all *cough* He hawkmoth

Adrien: No no no no your lying

Nathalie: I am not and I ended up using the Peacock miraculous to help him leading me to be trap in this bed for the rest of my days. I shouldn't have done that but he was going to wish your mother back and all I wanted is to see your mother again. I know its selfish but you need to leave. Your not safe here if you stay. The ring is what make you well you. Keep it safe and make sure you hide the Peacock miraculous. No one should ever use that thing ever again. *cough* *cough* *cough*

Adrien: Nathalie? Nathalie!? No no no please don't do this to me. I have so many more questions.

Tears were running down my face but there was no use to try and wake up Nathalie. She seem to have gone into a deep sleep. I went to her purse before grabbing her ATM card and the code she has for it. The code so happens to be mom birthday.

After that I left to my room and started to pack my things and the money I have also save.

Plagg: Adrien where are you going?

Adrien: We need to leave. This place isn't safe for us anymore. My father is hawkmoth.

Plagg: What!? Where are you going to go?

Adrien: Well first I am going to the police to drop off a copy of everything I have. I just wish I could add him being Hawkmoth to the evidence but I have no proof and I am not staying around to get some. If the police doesn't take my case seriously then I am going to post it to every news network as well as online so they will have to take me seriously.

Plagg: What about school or Luka?

Adrien: My father pretty much took me out of school and as for Luka I think I might visit him as Chat Noir in a few days. I don't trust myself holding this ring because all it does is brings me pain. I think giving it to Luka is the safe option.

Plagg: Adrien What are you talking about.

Adrien: Plagg I just learn that I am a semimonster. This ring is my lifeline. If it breaks then I die. I don't trust myself with the ring right now.

After packing up and I turn into Chat Noir before getting out of there. I grab my stuff and headed to an abandoned building that I have been going to for a while now. While walking there, I anonymously tip the police about what's going on in the Agreste family before giving what evidence I have and leaving.

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