Chapter 10: Worry

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No One Pov:

Luka ended up staying there with Chat Noir a little longer as Chat Noir sleeping on him. When Luka saw the time, he knew he had to wake adrien up or else he might fall asleep.

Luka ended up shaking Chat Noir up as he open his green eyes and even had a tired voice.

Chat Noir: Ugh what time is it?

Luka: Its 2am

Chat Noir: What!?

He then notice he was sleeping on Luka and couldn't help but blush a little bit. He then remember what happen a few hours ago.

Chat Noir: Oh umm I'm sorry

Chat Noir then got off of Luka, as Luka was able to finally get up from the ground.

Luka: Hey it wasn't any problem. It seem you needed sleep after what happen.

Chat Noir: Thank you for helping me out

Luka: Its no problem Chat Noir but you better get going. I don't want you staying out to long

Chat Noir Mind: Wait I have school in a couple of hours.

Chat Noir: Oh umm thank you Luka but I better get going

Luka: Hey its no problem. If you ever need help or want someone to talk to then come to me alright?

Chat Noir: Alright thank you Luka.

Chat Noir then got out of there and left for home. Luka couldn't help but smile for a little bit before getting worry. This was also the time Sass came out too.

Sass: That was better then I expected. Hey why do you look so worry?

Luka: I'm worry for him. When Chat Noir is adrien he seem to be happy but the music that is coming from his ora is sad. His music is pretty much telling me he wants help but when someone ask if he ok. He just smile at them and tell them he fine.

Sass: Luka I know it might be hard but there isn't anything you can do. At least he knows that he can come to you now.

Luka: Yeah as Chat Noir. I just want to help him but I don't know how other then telling him I know his identity and that I want to help him. I just think he hiding himself behind a smile is all.

Sass: We just have to wait and see Luka

Luka: Yeah I guess.

With Adrien and Plagg.

Adrien: Sorry I turn into Chat Noir when you were trying to help me. I just thought I need to be alone.

Plagg: I'm still mad at you.

Adrien then pull out some Camembert which plagg grab instantly.

Plagg: I am still mad at you but I will forgive and forget.

Plagg then ate the cheese as Adrien smile.

Plagg: So you and that Luka dude. Are you guys friends or do you now have a new crush.

Adrien: Plagg Luka and I are friends nothing more

Plagg: Sure you are

Adrien: *sigh* I'm glad he found me though. I think I would of gone into a full on panic attack if he didn't find me in time and calm me down. He even open his doors for me anytime I want.

Plagg: That good. Maybe you can finally talk to someone about your own problems instead of hiding them.

Adrien: I can't Plagg. That personal stuff and I don't think Luka would want to here that stuff.

Plagg: Adrien he seem to care about you.

Adrien: He cares about Chat Noir. I don't think he cares for Adrien. He doesn't even know I am Chat Noir plagg.

Plagg: Well maybe you can hang out with him.

Adrien: Plagg we maybe friends but I haven't hang out with him in a long while. It would just be awkward is all.

Plagg: Unless you tried, you will never know.

Adrien: I'm going to bed night Plagg

Plagg: Night Adrien

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