Chapter 2: Lunch

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Lunch came round faster then adrien thought. He slowly got up from his seat and walk beside Nino as they head to there table.

Adrien: So this morning you said you found something out and you were worry about it. Do you still want to talk about it?

Nino: Yes I think you need to know about it as it does involve you in a way.

Adrien: Ok? So what's up?

Nino: What are your thoughts on Marinette?

Adrien: Well she a kind girl but she also very clumsy. She seems shy but have a very kind heart. She is one of my friends after all but why are you asking?

Nino: Well-

Alya: Nino, Adrien do you mind if we sit with you?

Adrien: No not at all. Nino is just about to tell me something.

Alya: Oh really?

Marinette: H-hi Adrien. How do you I mean how are you?

Adrien: I'm doing great thanks for asking Marinette

I didn't notice but after I said that Marinette turn away from me blushing.

Adrien: So you were saying Nino?

Nino: Oh umm I will have to tell you another time.

Alya: Oh Nino keeping secrets I see

Nino: No its not that babe it just I wanted to tell Adrien something in private is all. It kind of personal.

Marinette: Oh well we won't tell anyone Nino but if you just want to talk to Adrien alone we can leave

Nino: No no its fine. I can tell Adrien another time.

Adrien: Ok?

After that we all started eating when lunch was almost done though I saw Alya get up and grab Nino.

Alya: Well Nino and I have to go and do something together before lunch ends

Nino: We do?

Alya: Yes we do so don't wait up on us

Adrien: Ok see you in class Nino

That is when Alya drag Nino away how just looks even more worry.

Marinette: Umm Adrien I was wondering if you want to make out I mean hang out.

Adrien: Sure we can hang out but I will have to ask my father first to see if he ok with it. You know how my father is hehe

Marinette: Of course, I was hoping we can hang out after school

Adrien: Oh I will have to ask him but I don't think he would mind

I then pull out my phone and text my father seeing if I can hang out with Marinette later on today. Just after I was done sending the text, the bell ring.

Adrien: Well we better head to class.

Marinette: Umm do- you want to walk together?

Adrien: Sure. We have the same class together after all

Marinette: Yes. I mean yes we do hehe

We both then walk to are class together but I notice Marinette was getting close to me but I didn't mind because after all she is my friend and that all she going to be.

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