Chapter 14: Home Life

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Adrien Pov:

When Nathalie took me home, I was Confronted by my father who didn't look so happy.

Gabriel: Nathalie you may go and rest.

Nathalie: Yes sir

Nathalie then left and my father turn to me with a disappointment look.

Gabriel: Where were you adrien? The others have been trying to get in touch with you during the akuma attack.

Adrien: I was hiding. Didn't want to turn to stone.

Gabriel: Alright but why didn't you contact us after ladybug and Chat Noir stop the attack?

Adrien: I just need some alone time is all.

Gabriel: And you didn't even tell anyone where you were going.

Adrien: Sorry father it just I had a lot on my mind and I thought that taking a walk down at the park would-

He then slap me hard, making me fall on the floor.

Gabriel: I will not take this disappointment any longer. I might as well pull you from that school of your.

Adrien: No you can't

My father then kick me into a wall for talking back. My head hit the wall hard something fell and smash on my head too.

Gabriel: Take that as a lesson for talking back. Now I won't be pulling you from that school of yours but if you show any disrespect again then I will have no choice but to do it.

He then left and Nathalie walk in to see me bleeding. She freak out but before I could tell her I was ok, I ended up pasting out.

Luka Pov:

After Adrien left I couldn't help but feel worry and anger. I'm angry because I learn that Marinette isn't just another girl who had a crush on Adrien but a stalker. I didn't think she was the stalker type but by the way adrien was talking about it and how his inner music was playing, he wasn't lying.

Luka Mind: I need to talk to Marinette about this and see if I can get her to stop.

Then there was the fact that I am worry. I notice when I ask if he was ok and if everything is alright at home he just look so scared. Something is going on with his life and I won't stop at nothing until I help him.

When I finally got home, Sass greeted me.

Sass: Hi Luka you seem upset. Is there something on your mind?

Luka: It just I'm worry about adrien.

Sass: What wrong with him this time? Is it about ladybug again?

Luka: Well there is that but there is something else. Marinette have been apparently stalking Adrien.

Sass: What!? But are guardian would never.

Luka: I thought that too. I thought he maybe lying but the way he said it and how he show emotions and stuff I know he wasn't lying.

Sass: What are you going to do?

Luka: Well I'm going to talk to her about it but that not what I'm worry about. I think something is going on at home. Something he scared to talk about.

Sass: What do you think it is?

Luka: I don't know but I hope it isn't what I think it is.

Sass: Well only time can tell

Luka: I know and that what worries me

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