Ice skating- Fermin Lopez

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When it's winter and cold outside there isn't much to do especially when your boyfriend hates the cold and refused to be outside unless he has to be. Somehow I managed convince him to go ice skating with me I was expecting him to fight me on the idea but he happily agreed to go for our date night this week. I'm not sure if I have excellent persuading skills or if Fermin will just say yes to pretty much anything I ask because he loves me. Fermin doesn't know that I have been skating before, I went quite a bit as a kid and I have been a few times as I've got older so I know what I'm doing. I'm definitely not great but I can hold my own on an ice rink but I can't wait to see Fermin on the ice he's never been the most graceful person so I expect he'll be a little unsteady on his feet at best. 

Like always he came over before we needed to leave so that he could spend some extra time with me. That's something I love about Fermin he just wants to spend time with me so he'll always come over even when I'm not doing anything interesting or we have no plans as he just enjoys my company. Today he brought lunch with him so we ate lunch together and he helped me get ready by picking out a hoodie of his I have in my collection to wear over my outfit so I don't get cold. He also made me change out of the leggings I had on as he said I'd be too cold so I put some jeans on which he was satisfied with and allowed us to leave the house finally. The ice rink wasn't far from my place but Fermin can no longer just walk through the streets like he used to so he drove there and found somewhere nearby but quiet to park. 

We pretty much ran inside as there was a lot of people about and Fermin didn't want to spend ages taking pictures and signing things. He loves the fans he really does but at times like these he doesn't want to be disturbed as there has been occasions when I've waited like 40 minutes just for him to finally be let go by the fans. Once we made it inside there was a lot less people around and none of them seemed too bothered by our presence which was nice. Fermin paid and got our skates before taking me over to a bench so we could actually put them on. I did mine quite quickly as I've done it many times before and I know they need to be tight but Fermin was struggling as they were just too loose on him. He didn't want to admit defeat for a while but after a few attempts he asked for my help so I did his laces up for him. 

"Is my big baby ready to go" I laughed 

"I'm not a baby skates are just stupid how did you manage it?" he asked 

"I've been skating before I went quite a bit as a kid so I knew how to do the laces" I revealed 

"Why didn't you tell me I thought we would both struggle together now I'm going to look like an idiot" he said 

"You won't look like an idiot I promise most people aren't going to know how to skate" I said

"You'll hold my hand though right?" He asked 

"Of course I will can't have you falling over can I" I laughed 

Fermin didn't seem to appreciate my joke but still he grabbed my hand and I led him onto the ice. He was as stiff as a board to begin with but I held onto both of his hands and skated backwards so I could teach him how to skate. Fermin is a quick learner and he always listens to instructions so he worked things out pretty quickly and was able to skate next to me when I let go of one of his hands after a few rotations round the ice. As much as he was getting more confident his grip on my hand didn't let up I don't know if that was because he was scared of falling or because he just didn't want to let me go but either way I kind of enjoyed that he felt like he needed to hold onto me so tightly. 

We had a lot of fun together talking as we skated round and maybe laughed at a few people who fell spectacularly because it is kind of funny. There was also some amazing little kids who have clearly been having lessons that we just watched in awe both wishing we could do that. It had been the perfect date we got to go out somewhere and enjoy time together without really being disturbed at all. Both of us were having so much fun until some guy came speeding round the rink and slammed right into me. I didn't seem him coming as he was behind us but luckily Fermin is pretty strong as he was able to help keep me on my feet as otherwise I would've been on my ass in seconds. Fermin pulled me into his chest as we both came to a halt in the middle of the ice, his hands went straight to my face to see if I was ok as he can read me like a book by just looking at my expression. I've learnt to read him pretty well too but you didn't need to be a genius to see that he was mad and like really mad. 

"Watch where you're going mate" Fermin shouted after the guy who just kept going 

"Are you ok amor?" He asked 

"I'm completely fine I just didn't see him coming" I said 

"I'm not surprised he should've gotten out the way but he didn't because he's an asshole" he raged 

"It's ok forget about that and forget about him I'm not hurt so everything's fine" I said trying to calm him down 

"I'm glad you're ok but that doesn't mean that guy should get away with doing that" he continued to argue 

"Why don't we get out of here so we don't have to worry about him any more and before you do something you'll regret" I suggested 

"We should get hot chocolate to warm us up" Fermin said with a complete change of mood 

Thankfully there is a cafe just across the road from the ice rink so we headed straight there and ordered two hot chocolates with marshmallows. I left Fermin to get the drinks while I found a table for us both and he came back he had the two hot chocolates but also a cupcake which he put in front of me with a big smile on his face. I tried to share with him but he insisted that I sat the whole thing and who am I to say no to a cupcake especially one that was so delicious. Fermin quickly forgot about what happened with that guy and was just saying how much he enjoyed ice skating and that he wants to go again so that he can get good at it. Of course we can't go that often but we agreed that we should go together again for another date night which I'm really looking forward to. 

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