Baby fever- Pedri Gonzalez

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My sister and her husband have an event to go today so I agreed to babysit my niece who just turned 2 which I love to do but today I will have help or more like company as Pedri has the day off from training so he's coming over as well. Pedri has spent loads of time with my family but he hasn't seen much of my niece as he's always busy and since she's so little it's not often she comes to family events. I've been really excited as I love getting to spend time with my niece and on top of that I'd never pass up on the opportunity to spend time with Pedri so putting the both together makes the perfect day in my mind.

My sister dropped my niece off early this morning so I gave her breakfast and then put her down to watch tv for a moment while I cleaned which is when my doorbell rang so I answered it and let Pedri in. Straight away he gave me a hug and a quick kiss before running off to find my niece which made me laugh but I just went back to cleaning. When I was done I went back into my living room to see Pedri with my niece sat on his lap playing peekaboo with her. It melted my heart seeing them play together and to see the smile on his face when he made her laugh just had me dying inside. On occasion I get baby fever especially in times like these but I never tell Pedri as I know he won't want a baby yet as he'll want to focus on football instead for a few more years.

After just staring at the two of them for a few minutes I went to join in on the fun. As soon as I sat down my niece crawled onto my lap and so I started to tickle her as I've done it since she was a baby and every time she lets out the cutest giggles. She wriggled and squirmed in my lap but I just kept going and Pedri even started to tickle her too which really made the room fill with little toddler giggles. Eventually she'd had enough and so I let her go and grab a toy to play with which she brought back over to me so Pedri and I sat together to play with her.

All day I was running around and playing with my niece because even at her nap times she didn't want to sleep because she just wanted to play and I can't blame her as I was having fun too. Towards the end of the day she finally seemed to run out of energy and I finally got to sit down with Pedri who has basically just watched me the whole day instead of us actually getting to spend any time together which I feel quite bad about because he chose to spend his day off with me. When I finally sat down my niece curled up in my lap and fell asleep which I knew was coming as she hadn't had a nap all day. I thought about moving her but it was too much effort so I just let her sleep in my lap while I rubbed her back and fixed her hair which was a mess from playing all day.

When it was time for my niece to go home she was still asleep so I picked her up gently and took her to the door to give her back to my sister which of course woke her up. The poor girl got so upset as she didn't want to leave so I had to take her to the car myself and then promise I would see her soon before being allowed to go back inside. Pedri was waiting for me on the sofa and because I was completely exhausted I just collapsed on top of him wanting to finally spend some time with him. He quickly moved so that we were both laying down and then wrapped his arms around me while looking into the distance clearly deep in thought.

Pedri's POV

Having kids isn't something that I have thought about at all really up until today. For some reason seeing y/n with her niece all day gave me baby fever and has had me seriously thinking about having a baby. To start with I just liked watching her play with her niece but the more I watched the more I started to think differently about it. Seeing y/n be able to make her niece so happy and have her giggling so easily made my heart melt instantly it was just that adorable. My mind really started to spiral when her niece curled up on her lap to sleep and all I could imagine was that being our child and what things would be like if we actually had a baby.

Once y/n had given her niece back to her sister she came and laid down on top of me but I didn't really pay much attention to her as all of my thoughts were coming consumed with imagining our lives with a baby. I tried to tell myself that these feelings would go away and that it's normal to get baby fever every now and then but honestly the feelings were so strong that I don't think they will just go away. Deep down I knew I wanted to have kids with y/n some day but I never thought about it anymore than that but now it's all I can think about and I don't know if I want to wait a few more years until it's the so called right time. I can't help but feel like our lives would be complete if we had a baby and I know it's a lot of work but I think I'm ready for that because as long as those sweet moments like the ones I've witnessed today happen every now and then everything else will be worth it.

After giving things a lot of consideration and thinking about how having a baby would affect the both of us and our lives I came to the conclusion that there is never going to be the perfect time so why not just do it now. Of course I want y/n to feel ready too because having a baby will affect her more than me but as soon as she's ready I really want to start our own little family.

"Y/n" I said getting her attention

"What's up pepi?" She asked

"I think I want a baby" I said

"You think" she questioned

"No I know I want one I've been seriously thinking about it all day and I know it would be hard but now is as good a time as any but of course I want you to be ready" I started to ramble

"I'm ready Pedri but are you sure I mean I don't want is having kids to affect your football career too much" she said

"I'm 100% sure I want us to be able to have the moments you had with your niece together with our own child" I said

Being the sensible one in the relationship she made sure that we talked everything through like finances and how we would make it all work with me being away for games. Once we talked about everything it was clear that we were ready and could make it work if we really wanted to. After our conversation we sat in silence for a while and I watched y/n as she was thinking about everything we had talked about before saying anymore. Eventually she said that she wanted to start trying but she didn't want to put any pressure on it by tracking her cycle or anything like that which I agreed to. We were both in agreement that it would happen when it was meant to so there was no need to make it stressful by trying to do everything under a strict schedule.


Your POV

It has been about 6 months since Pedri and I started trying and so far I have got my period on time every month which has been a bit disappointing but when we started trying we agreed that it would happen when the universe thought we were ready so I've been using that to not get too upset. Pedri has really been lifting my spirits too as he doesn't let me get upset about it instead he'll take me out on a date when my period arrives which distracts me which I really appreciate.

These last few weeks however I've been extremely tired and emotional and I've even started to feel nauseous as well which I haven't felt any other month. As much as I've felt horrible I didn't want to get my hopes up too early so I have been waiting to see if my period would actually be late and now it is a few days late. Despite having all the right symptoms it's still hard to get too excited as I know that this can happen and the in a few days I can get my period. Pedri has been trying to convince me to just take a test as then we will know if I'm actually pregnant or not and if I'm not he promised me that it wouldn't be the end of the world but it would still be upsetting.

Now that my period is 4 days late and I've been feeling more ill every day I finally agreed to take a test as if I'm not pregnant then I probably need to go to the doctors to make sure everything is ok. As soon as I said that I wanted to take a test Pedri was up and by the door waiting for me which made me laugh as I think he might be more excited than I am. He drove straight to the store and dragged me in but from there I had to lead him to the right aisle as he didn't know where the pregnancy tests were. Once we found them he was quickly googling which ones were the most accurate and then he picked up a few so that we would definitely get an answer. He gave me all the tests and sent me to the checkout alone because he didn't want people to see him and put our personal business out there especially before we are know for sure. He waited right outside for me and drove back home in record time because he wanted to know as soon as possible.

I went and took all of the tests right away and left them all out on the counter in the bathroom before going to find Pedri while we wait. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back while trying to offer encouraging words although it was obvious that he was starting to get nervous too. We ended up just standing in silence for the rest of the time before the timer went off and it was time to look at the tests. That was when it started to feel real that we would find out if our lives will be changed forever in just a few seconds and all of a sudden I didn't want to know. Pedri took hold of my hand and he led me into the bathroom where I picked up the tests and saw that they all said positive.

"I'm pregnant" I whispered trying to hold back tears

"We're going to be parents" he whispered back

Straight away he pulled me into a hug and both of us let a few tears of happiness fall. We were going to be parents in just a few short months and I couldn't be more excited to go on this journey with Pedri. 

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