Fluff alphabet- Ruben Dias

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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about their partner?)

Physically Ruben adores your smile. He loves waking up in the morning and being met with your bright smile next to him and he loves getting home to see your happy face after a long day. Your smile is the first thing Ruben noticed about you when he met you it made you stand out completely in the crowd of people at the event that night.

Personality wise Ruben loves how intelligent you are. He is always amazed by just how smart you are and he likes to call you the smartest person in the world even though you definitely aren't. The fact that you are so respected for your intelligence in your field makes him so proud and he always likes to show off your achievements to others as he thinks everyone needs to know how amazing you are.

B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)

Ruben loves the idea of having a little family of his own with you. He can't wait to see you with your own kids whenever the day comes as you are so good with his teammates kids and the kids in his family. Every time Ruben sees you with a baby it always melts his heart and gives him baby fever but he knows you aren't ready yet but he will wait as long as you need as he wants nothing more than to have kids with you. Ruben knows that it won't all be easy but he is excited to go on that journey with you when the time is right.

C = Cuddle (How do they like to cuddle?)

Ruben loves nothing more than to completely engulf you in his arms. Whenever he gets home the first thing he does is come and find you and wrap his arms around you as tight as he can so you can't escape. Eventually he will let go so that the both of you can shower and change and so you can eat dinner but afterwards he goes right back to cuddling you. Any days he has off he spends most of the time having you in his arms as he loves having you close to him. The two of you have to spend a lot of time apart which is why when he gets to be with you he loves to have you as close as possible and just make the most of each moment.

D = Dreams (How do they picture their future with their S/O?)

Ruben knows that the two of you will never have a normal life but he sees the two of you following the regular course of life. He wants to marry you, have a few kids and grow old together. That being said Ruben knows your life will be more complicated than that as there is still a lot in his career that he wants to achieve and you have your own goals which could take you two down all sorts of different paths in life. Ruben has always pictured the two of you achieving all of your goals together so even if life is complicated and things don't necessarily end up the way he wants them to he just wants you by his side as he navigates the future.

E = Emotions (How do they express their emotions around you?)

Ruben is very good with his emotions and knows how to express them in healthy ways. This means that the two of you don't really fight as if something is bothering one of you you always talk it through without getting mad until you can find a solution that satisfies the both of you. Of course there are occasions when you fight but it never lasts for longer than a few minutes when you both realise that you are doing things the wrong way and take some time to cool off before fixing whatever's the problem. There are times that Ruben bottles things up especially when you are super busy at work or it's something that he thinks could hurt you but eventually he has to tell you and you always work through whatever it is together.

F = Feelings (When did they know they're in love?)

Ruben knew the second he brought you to meet his family for the first time. He loves his family and so their opinion is always very important to him so if they didn't like you that would be a dealbreaker for him. You of course knew this so you were a very nervous but you wanted to just be yourself as you didn't want them to take a liking to a different version of you. As soon as Ruben came to pick you up he was beaming from ear to ear as you had with you flowers and a bottle of wine for his parents. When you arrived he could tell that his family took an instant liking to you which made him feel good. Throughout the evening as he watched you let your guard down and get closer to all of his family he realised that you were truly perfect and he was completely in love with you. He didn't expect to leave his parents realising he loved you but he was incredibly happy knowing he'd found someone special. 

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