Friends to lovers headcannon- Gavi & Pedri

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- you met when you were young and your group of friends was at the park while he was with his playing football

- one of his friends invited the boys in your group to play and since you always played with your brother you joined them

- being kids they make fun of you and think you won't be any good but you quickly prove them wrong when your team with you, Pablo and some others win quite convincingly

- from that day you spent pretty much everyday with Pablo playing football and from there your friendship blossomed into hanging out everyday usually to do nothing

- as you grew up your friendship didn't change much until you became teenagers when everyone started to question if you two were really just friends or something more, to start with the thought of being anything more disgusted you both but eventually that changed

- you were the first to develop feelings

- one day you were waiting for Pablo to come back from his football training to hang out and when he arrived he was still all sweaty which any other day you'd find gross but on that day the way his hair stuck to his forehead and his cheeks were all flushed made you feel things about him you had never felt before

- it took a while for you to admit to yourself that you had a crush on your best friend but eventually when even the things he did to purposely annoy you made you smile you knew that you did indeed have feelings for your best friend

- Pablo may have developed feelings for you later on but he fell hard and fast

- he first realised he had feelings for you when you came to one of his games and one of his teammates started flirting with you which instead of not bothering him like it usually would he felt himself getting really angry that it wasn't him that was making you laugh and blush like that

- Pablo also refused to come to terms with the fact that he had a crush on you but his denial didn't last as long because everyone that knew the two of you started asking him if he liked you and when he tried to deny it they would tell him that friends don't look at each other the way he looked at you

- even though you both had feelings for each other you both swore to never admit it out of fear of losing each other so there were many times that one of you felt awkward being around the other knowing the feelings you were hiding but somehow neither of you caught on to each others obvious crushes

- this went on for many years and over that time your feelings for each other only grew even though you would both break the others heart every so often by being with someone else although those relationships never worked out because really you just wanted each other

- things only changed when Pedri got involved as Pablo introduced you both and instantly Pedri could sense the tension between you and he'd never seen Pablo so happy as when he was with you so he knew something was up

- Pedri spent a little while getting to know you until you admitted that you also had feelings for Pablo which was what he wanted to know so he could convince Pablo to tell you how he felt as he knew if he gave a few hints that Pablo would give in

- it took Pedri longer than he thought it would but after the three of you hanging out many times and him point out certain things you did Pablo was confident enough that you had feelings too to be able to tell you

- he was so nervous about telling you that when he went to your place you got really concerned that there was something wrong as you hadn't seen him so nervous since his first match with the first team and even when he tried to tell you he was fine you didn't believe him

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