Fluff alphabet- Alejandro Balde

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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about their partner?)

Physically Alejandro is in love with your figure. There is nothing he loves more than running his hands over your sides as he stands behind you either talking to you or just giving you kisses. He loves to compliment you when you wear anything a bit more form fitting as he loves the way your face lights up when he says something nice about your appearance. He thinks you are beautiful no matter how you look but he thinks you look especially beautiful when you are feeling confident about yourself and he takes pleasure in being the one to help you build up your self confidence. 

Personality wise Alejandro loves how empathetic and good at dealing with others emotions you are. You always know exactly what to say when anyone comes to you wanting advice and he admires that about you. You are always able to help him and even some of his teammates when they are struggling as even though you aren't a professional by any means just the way you go about helping them really has an impact. Ale loves how happy it makes you when you are able to help someone as he thinks it's a true testament to how much of a wonderful person you are. 

B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)

Having kids isn't something Alejandro has thought about too much as he knows that neither of you are anywhere near that stage of life yet. That being said whenever he sees you interact with his teammates children it does make him smile and feel all warm inside. He does like the idea of having kids with you as he knows you will be the best mother in the world. The idea of having you bring your child to games to watch him play also makes Alejandro excited for the future as he sees his teammates do that and he thinks it's really sweet. 

C = Cuddle (How do they like to cuddle?)

His absolute favourite way to cuddle you is to have his arms around you from behind either as you sit watching tv or while you are getting on with other things. Most days when he gets home from training you are sitting working on assignments for your classes so he drops his stuff upstairs then comes and sits behind you wrapping his arms around you. You are so used to it that it doesn't disrupt your flow with writing at all and only when you come to a natural pause will you even acknowledge Ale's existence. He just loves to be close to you as much as possible and this is the best way to do that plus he knows you love it too as sometimes when he lets go of you slightly you will move his arms back around your waist.

D = Dreams (How do they picture their future with their S/O?)

Alejandro doesn't picture his future involving anyone but you. Any time he thinks about anything to do with the future whether it's next week or years down the road he sees you being there with him. It's not even a question for him there no if you are still together he knows you two will still be together because he's never letting you go. He often dreams of winning the World Cup or the champions league and every time he does you appear being there to celebrate with him and congratulate him and the rest of the team. Outside of football Ale wants to do everything with you he wants to travel the world and go through every stage of life with you by his side. 

E = Emotions (How do they express their emotions around you?)

Sometimes Alejandro can get quite frustrated especially if he's not been playing well and the team aren't doing good and he occasionally he takes this out on you. Whenever he does accidentally direct his frustrations towards you he always apologises after he calms down and realises that you don't deserve that. He promises to get better and with your help and time he does get better at keeping his frustrations with football out of the house and away from you. Overall he's pretty good at communicating his feelings with you most of the time so you two are able to work out anything that is bothering either of you before it builds up and results in an argument. Being able to communicate his feelings is something you taught Ale as he noticed how you did it and followed your lead. 

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